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Paddington Academy

Breaking down all barriers to learning for LPA pupils

What problems were in your school and how did you identify them?

-EAL students identified by entry tests

-Students who could not, or did not engage with their learning

What actions did you take?

-Compulsory after school targeted interventions and independent study 'prep' from the start of Year 11, with extra support for low prior attaining students

-Targeted academic mentoring by SLT

-Every Year 11 student had a mentor to guide and support them through the year

-Ensured outstanding T&L in all lessons

-Access to Hegarty Maths through compulsory lunch clubs

-Targeted lunch interventions

-Modified curriculum plans

-Small teaching groups for LPAs in English, Maths and Science

-Comprehensive parent information evenings, followed up with many parent meetings and Parents' Evenings

-Relentless focus on attendance and punctuality

What were the outcomes?

30th best P8 score in the country (0.79).

Attainment in English and Maths is top 10% for low prior attainers

See this school in the Department for Education tables

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