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  • A proof of concept which utilises the Royal Docks water as a primary resource to generate renewable energy.
  • A physical prototype that generates renewable energy.
  • Has the potential to be transferable, scalable and commercially viable, with real-world applications.
  • Tests the opportunities, constraints & technical requirements needed for successful delivery.
  • The concept is not expected to be carbon neutral, but its scalable application must be.
  • Can deliver power locally and connect into the local grid, creating affordable energy for end users.

  • A physical prototype developed and its application tested in the production of renewable energy in the Royal Docks.
  • Power delivered to the local grid, or directly to local consumers.
  • Longer-term impact includes significant production of clean and renewable energy in the Royal Docks area.
  • Longer-term impact also includes scaling to other water areas.

Winners and finalists

Each team will receive £10,000 and the opportunity to work closely over five weeks with the Resilience Partner behind their challenge – which include councils, government agencies, BIDs and charities – to develop their solution. They’ll also receive specialised support in service design, pitch coaching, data usage, navigating government procurement processes and more.

At the end of the first phase, the judges will review each team’s progress and choose one winner in each challenge, to be awarded £40,000 each and the chance to implement their solution.

The Royal Docks Floating Solar Project is being developed by Renewable Connections and its European partners, European Energy A/S. The project will make a significant contribution London’s low carbon strategy and if implemented, could provide clean, green, renewable electricity for over 40 years, displacing electricity produced from traditional fossil fuels.

The Project proposes to install a floating solar array in London’s Royal Docks to provide clean renewable energy directly to London’s City Airport, as well as other local customers. Currently in the early test phase, Renewable Connections is working closely with the Royal Docks Management Authority and City Airport’s safeguarding team to make sure the project is technically suitable.

Renewable Connections is hugely excited to be leading this project in collaboration with so many progressive stakeholders. Projects like this can make a real contribution to tackling the climate emergency and will highlight London as a global leader in sustainable economic development.

ZEV London provides an alternative type of renewable energy production – converting EV-taxi platform into a citizen renewable energy (RE) farm on blockchain. The new RE capacity is then tokenised on blockchain and given back to passengers as RE tokens to create incentive to use again. As the number of passengers grows, the RE farm becomes decentralised and citizen-owned, further encouraging crowd participation in transport and energy decarbonisation.

Our plan is to build a floating solar farm to utilise the Royal Docks water area to generate renewable energy and form an initial blockchain token pool.

Babylon-Blue’s floating communities consist of vessels which can utilise the Dock water and other natural sources such as solar, wind and water source heating and cooling systems to produce renewable, optimised through energy storage and distribution. Their Aquantum active-hull system combines this renewable heat and electrical energy production, storage, sustainable design and materials, resource efficiency and other innovative approaches.

The Renewable Energy Challenge presents an exciting opportunity for our Babylon-Blue floating vessels to come closer to realising our vision of being self-sufficient and ‘off-grid’, creating a beacon of resilience for the Royal Docks and the wider London and re-defining the future of sustainable and affordable water living.

About the partner

The Royal Docks is London’s only Enterprise Zone — one of only 48 in the country. Enterprise Zones are part of the government’s industrial strategy and are designated areas that provide tax breaks and other business incentives. The Royal Docks Team is a joint initiative from the Mayor of London and Mayor of Newham tasked to drive an ambitious £314m regeneration programme across the Royal Docks Enterprise Zone. The Royal Docks Team is made up of circa 40 people operating across development, placemaking, events, economic development, cultural activation, community engagement, communication and marketing.

  • Access to team information and data across the water, including its physical and technical makeup, ownership, constraints and opportunities.
  • Partnership facilitation with water users, management organisations and local stakeholders (such as University of East London (UEL), Royal Docks Management Authority (RoDMA), London & Regional (L&R) and others).
  • Facilitate a project scoping workshop.
  • Participate in working groups and project reviews as required.
  • Access to space on the docks water to test concepts (restrictions may apply) - It is anticipated that the water area at King George V Dock would be most appropriate.
  • If successful, marketing and promotional support beyond the Resilience Fund offer.

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