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The credits are rolling, there are so many jobs with strange titles. What are they and who does them?

There are so many roles across the creative industries, but many young people are just not aware of them.

Not only is this a missed opportunity for young people to get a fulfilling job but also for the creative industries who are missing out on talent. Unpacking the Credits is about to change that.

The Mayor of London has partnered with industry leaders from theatre, visual effects, art and design, music, publishing and architecture. Together they have produced six short films with education and web resources tailored for young people.

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Many young Londoners feel excluded from creative industry jobs. In particular, Black, Asian and minority ethnic individuals, or those who come from less wealthy backgrounds. Many don’t know what kind of jobs there are, or what skills you need to do them.

We want more young Londoners to consider a career in the sector. We want to shine a light on people from diverse backgrounds who already work in the industry, at all levels. 

We have worked with industry partners to produce high-profile films and educational resources on different creative jobs. Our target audience is young people, aged 11-15, and their parents, carers, guardians, teachers, careers advisers, and youth workers.

Are you interest in visual effects (VFX)? Find out how you can get involved in VFX roles.

A person being filmed by a video camera in a studio

Have you ever wondered how a theatre show is created? Find out more and how you can get involved.

A person with a paint brush in their hand, brushing a lion head piece from Disney's The Lion King theatre

Want to be an architect? Find out about the different roles within the industry.

Behind the scenes of an interview. A person handling a camera and another holding lighting above two people; an interviewer and interviewee.

Behind scenes of the music. Find out about more about the roles in the music industry.

A young person sitting on a blue couch wearing headphones, whilst writing in their notepad.

Do you know how a book is created? Find out more about the life cycle of a book.

Behind the scenes of filming; a camera and its handler filming a presenter sat at a desk with lighting and mic visible.

Do you enjoy art and design? Find out more from British Nigerian designer, Yinka Iliori.

Designer, Yinka Ilori, talking to a friend on the street.

Quotes from our supporters

"The Unpacking the Credits programme delivered by the Mayor of London will help young people to discover the different roles that exist in the creative industries and there really are a lot of roles. I loved the films and I want more. What a way to go to engaging our young people in to this industry."

Dermot O’Leary, TV and radio broadcaster

"Unpacking the Credits is a really fun series for young people looking to learn about the many different career opportunities which exist within the creative industries today.  There is a job suited for every kind of person, discover the role that best suits you."

Barbara Broccoli CBE, Film Producer

Our partners

Our industry partners have been working with us to produce the films and education resources for Unpacking the Credits.