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Mayor publishes first update on Grenfell Tower recommendations

Created on
21 January 2020
  • Progress underway on nearly all points of action for London Fire Brigade

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has today published the first progress report on the implementation of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry recommendations.

The Inquiry’s Phase One report made 46 recommendations directed at the London Fire Brigade, other fire and rescue services, the emergency services, Government and owners and managers of residential buildings.

Sadiq has committed to ensuring the Inquiry’s recommendations for the Fire Brigade are implemented, and to be relentless in holding to account those responsible for putting into practice the remaining recommendations. He has today published a first report on progress made since the Inquiry as part of a commitment to transparency and keeping the Grenfell community and Londoners updated.

The content and format of future reports will be developed in consultation with the Grenfell community, trade unions and the London Assembly, and published monthly on City Hall’s website. Londoners can sign-up to receive future updates by email.

While it is clear that every single firefighter and member of control staff who responded to the fire at Grenfell did so to save lives, it is also clear that the London Fire Brigade was overwhelmed by the unprecedented nature of the fire. Institutional failures meant that the overall response to the disaster was not good enough.

New London Fire Commissioner, Andy Roe, who was appointed by the Mayor and took up his position at the start of this year, is leading the much-needed transformation of the Brigade and is committed to delivering on the recommendations of the Inquiry report.

The Mayor oversees the London Fire Brigade, which is part of the Greater London Authority Group, and he has undertaken to ensure that the recommendations directed at the Brigade are implemented. There are 14 recommendations directed solely at the Brigade and today’s progress report shows that actions are already underway for 13 of them.

While the Mayor has no direct powers to ensure recommendations for the Government and building owners and managers are carried out, he will use all the levers he has at City Hall to ensure they do everything possible to implement them in full.

Of the remaining recommendations:

  • 15 are directed either at fire and rescue services or emergency services generally. A further two recommendations are aimed at other emergency services not including the Brigade. Action by the Brigade to deliver on 14 of its recommendations are underway.
  • 12 recommendations aimed primarily at the Government. This includes 11 recommendations where the report recommends a change in the law to place new requirements on building owners and managers. This includes a full and thorough review of the controversial ‘stay put’ advice when buildings fail.
  • Three recommendations are aimed at building owners and managers, without requiring legal changes.

The next phase of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry begins on 27 January, focusing primarily on the building regulations, including the construction, refurbishment and management of Grenfell Tower.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “The Grenfell Tower fire was a national tragedy that shocked us all. We will never forget the 72 people who lost their lives in a fire that should never have happened.

“The Grenfell Tower Inquiry report made some significant recommendations for the London Fire Brigade and I am committed to doing everything I can, working closely with the new Commissioner, to ensure those recommendations are implemented fully and quickly. While I do not have powers over the Government or high-rise building owners, I am today publishing the first regular progress report as part of my commitment relentlessly to hold to account those who need to take action.

“As the next phase of the Inquiry begins, it’s crucial that the Government, housing and building owners do not sit back and wait until it concludes before taking action in order to prevent another tragedy.”

Notes to editors

The first update on the implementation of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase One recommendations.


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