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Statement from the Mayor of London on school closures

Created on
19 March 2020

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “The Government has ordered schools to close to the majority of pupils at the end of the day on Friday, but the most vulnerable children and those of key workers will be able to continue attending.

“The Government’s scientific and medical experts say this unprecedented step is now necessary to slow down the spread of coronavirus.

“Many parents will be concerned about what this means for their children’s education and the difficulty of juggling childcare and jobs. This is not a decision that the Government has taken lightly. And I support it.

“It is crucial that the Government sets out how it will support parents, teachers and staff during these difficult times. I look forward to more clarity about which key workers will still be able to send their children to school and as well as the Government’s plans to support those who usually receive free school meals and those who would have had exams in May and June.

“This will also have a huge impact on many other vital public services, together with businesses whose workers will have to stay at home to look after their children due to the lack of affordable childcare alternatives.

“Londoners must always follow the latest expert advice that applies to them. The timing of these measures is designed to have the maximum possible effect. It will clearly also affect teenagers who have learned that GCSE and A-level exams will now not take place as planned this summer.

“London will get through these extraordinarily difficult times, not least because of the continuing hard work of teachers and other school staff who are playing their part. Our city has faced many challenges in the past and always come through them by staying united – as we must do again now.”

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