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Statement from Len Duvall AM on facial recognition technology

Stop dancing round the issue of public safety at Notting Hill Carnival
Created on
09 March 2018

Last month, the GLA Oversight Committee asked the Mayor to suspend the Met’s use of facial recognition technology until a proper legal framework was in place and MOPAC had properly consulted the public. The Mayor has now responded (attached).

Chair of the GLA Oversight Committee, Len Duvall AM said;

“The Committee was concerned that the Met has been trialling facial recognition technology, at Notting Hill Carnival for example, without the public really knowing about it. We believed the Met risked losing the public’s trust if it introduced intrusive technology like this, without public consent.

The Mayor has now said that the London Policing Ethics Panel will look at the technology, which is good news. Policing by consent is an important principle within our society and is not just a tick box exercise.

It’s also good to hear the Met is developing an engagement strategy for the use of facial recognition technology.

We look forward to the Met reporting back to us on that when further details are available.”

Letter from Mayor to Chair on personal data - March 5 2018

Notes to editors

  1. The Mayor’s response letter
  2. Len Duvall AM is available for interview – see contact details below.
  3. As well as investigating issues that matter to Londoners, the London Assembly acts as a check and a balance on the Mayor.

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