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Assembly reinforces respect for religious sensitivities

Created on
08 February 2018

Today, the London Assembly unanimously agreed a motion to write to the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office, Lord Chancellor, Chief Coroner and Lord Chief Justice expressing its grave concern about the comments, decisions and actions of the Senior Coroner for Inner North London, Mary Hassell; and called upon the Mayor to do the same.

The Assembly is concerned her conduct is affecting Jewish and Muslim residents of Camden, Hackney, Islington and Tower Hamlets in respect of the requirements of those faiths concerning the deceased.

Andrew Dismore AM, who proposed the motion said:

"To sustain the positive community relations upon which London thrives, it is integral that we should respect the religious and cultural traditions of our city's diverse communities.

In this case, I am concerned that the appropriate religious sensitivities have not been observed, after repeated refusal by the Senior Coroner for Inner North London to facilitate prompt burials for Jewish and Muslim communities in the boroughs under her jurisdiction.

The London Assembly will be writing to the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office, Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice on this matter in due course".

The full text of the motion is:

The requirement of the Mayor and Greater London Authority to promote good relations between Londoners belonging to different racial groups, religious beliefs and sexual orientation is as important today as it ever has been. We welcome the Mayor’s commitment on this issue and the work that has been done to date.

However, this Assembly is concerned that the conduct of the Senior Coroner for Inner North London, Mary Hassell, is failing Jewish and Muslim residents of Camden, Hackney, Islington and Tower Hamlets in respect of the particular requirements of those faiths concerning the deceased. According to the Jewish and Muslim faiths it is an important principle that a deceased person should be buried as soon as possible after death, and ideally the day of death. It is therefore customary to make every effort to expedite the burial. Over the past four and a half years bereaved relatives in the jurisdiction of the Senior Coroner for Inner North London have expressed grave concern that increased bureaucracy and inflexible procedures has led to delays and reduced the quality of service to the public, especially those of the Jewish and Muslim faiths.

In addition, the close members of a Jewish family cannot begin the mourning process until after the funeral - known as “sitting shiva”. As this does not commence until after the burial the family also suffers from any delay. Concerns have also been raised about insensitive rules imposed by the Coroner for Inner North London such as the refusal to permit the Jewish community to use private mortuaries to watch over and perform traditional cultural or religious practices until burial.

Whilst other coroner’s offices, knowing of religious obligations for prompt burials, demonstrate flexibility wherever possible, the Senior Coroner for Inner North London has shown little regard for ethnic or religious sensitivities, and many of her imposed rules, bureaucracy, and unnecessary delays offend traditional and/or religious practices [1]. This part of London is amongst the most diverse in the country. Ms Hassell’s insensitive behaviour– probably unique in our local public services - flies in the face of harmonious community relations.

This Assembly welcomes the Mayor’s comments, supporting the Jewish Board of Deputies in writing to the Lord Chancellor. This Assembly resolves to write to the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office, Lord Chancellor, Chief Coroner and Lord Chief Justice expressing our serious concern about the comments, decisions and actions of the coroner; and calls upon the Mayor to do the same.

Notes to editors

  1. Jewish leaders call for London coroner to be fired over burial delays, The Guardian, 19.01.2018.  Jewish leaders call on Inner North London coroner to quit, BBC, 19.01.2018.  Coroner criticised over Jewish and Muslim burials, ES, 12.01.2018
  2. Watch the full webcast.
  3. Watch Andrew Dismore AM explain why he proposed the motion
  4. The motion was agreed unanimously.
  5. Andrew Dismore AM, who proposed the motion, is available for interviews. Please see contact details below. 
  6. As well as investigating issues that matter to Londoners, the London Assembly acts as a check and a balance on the Mayor.

For media enquiries, please contact Alison Bell on 020 7983 4228.  For out of hours media enquiries, call 020 7983 4000 and ask for the London Assembly duty press officerNon-media enquiries should be directed to the Public Liaison Unit on 020 7983 4100.

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