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London Assembly

Len Duvall OBE

len duvall

Key information

Start date for this term:

Salary: £62,761

Constituency: Greenwich and Lewisham

Political group: Labour Group


Len was elected as London Assembly Member for Greenwich and Lewisham in 2000, retaining his seat in every subsequent election.   

Len has been leader of the Labour Group at City Hall since 2004.   

With over twenty years at City Hall, his priorities have included better resourcing for the Metropolitan Police, better transport for south-east London and, most recently, efforts to address cost of living as chair of the Assembly’s Cost of Living Working Group. Len is a vocal champion for the armed forces and has been the Mayor’s Armed Forces Champion for the past five years.   

He has also campaigned on the Daniel Morgan case, ensuring the legacy of the Olympics serves all Londoners and exposing former Mayor Johnson’s improper relationship with Jennifer Arcuri. At the local level, Len has campaigned for regeneration and renewal projects at the Thames Gateway and Greenwich Waterfront. 

Len is involved in a number of local charities. He is chair of the Royal Greenwich Heritage Trust, chair of the South London Special League and a trustee of the Society of the Friends of the Royal Artillery Museum.  

Prior to his time on the Assembly, he was a long-standing Greenwich councillor and served as leader of the council from 1992-2000.  In 1998, he was awarded an OBE for his contribution to London Local Government. 

Responsibilities for 2024-25

Deputy Chair of the London Assembly

Member of the GLA Oversight Committee

Member of the Police and Crime Committee

Member of the Elections Review Working Group

Member of the Chief Officer Performance Review Panel

Member of the Standing Orders Working Group

Key issues
  • Economic development and regeneration
  • Policing and crime

Latest press release

Len Duvall AM, Labour London Assembly Member, has called on the Government to get a grip on street-level money laundering, particularly young people who are drawn into becoming “money mules”, moving the proceeds of crime through their bank accounts in return for a cut.
Date: 12/02/24

Government inaction needed to stop young people recruited into “money-muling” in London