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PCD 1026 Sale of Former Shepherds Bush Police Station

Key information

Reference code: PCD 1026

Date signed:

Date published:

Decision by: Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor, Policing and Crime

PCD 1026 Sale of Former Shepherds Bush Police Station

PCD 1026 Sale of Former Shepherds Bush Police Station  

Following MOPAC approval for the disposal and marketing of Shepherds Bush Police Station [PCD583] this paper seeks approval for the disposal of the site on the terms and conditions set out in the restricted part 2 paper.  

The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime is recommended to:  

  1. In accordance with the current MOPAC Scheme of Consent and Delegation approve the disposal of the freehold interest in Shepherd’s Bush Police Station at the value and to the bidder identified in Exempt Appendix 2 following an open market tender process; 

  1. Note in this instance the approval of the final sale terms is required from the DMPC as not all the criteria required for a delegated approval by the MPS Director of Property Services have been met;  

  1. Note the disposal is consistent with the DMPC Decision – PCD 583 of 30th October 2020 to dispose of the property in principle and market the property for sale; 

  1. Note that the capital receipt from the disposal will support the Capital Programme.  


  1. Introduction and background 

  1. This site was approved for marketing and disposal in October 2020 – PCD583.  The property is vacant and decommissioned. 

  1. Issues for consideration 

  1. The site was marketed for sale in May and June 2021.  Six bids unconditional on planning were received by the deadline. The bids were then evaluated to determine which bids offered the highest value (taking into account any additional sales overage or planning clawback) from a credible purchaser (taking into account the availability of funding, due diligence undertaken and ability to proceed as proposed).  

  1. Following the receipt of bids Knight Frank (agents acting on behalf of MOPAC) have recommended proceeding with a sale to the highest bidder. 

  1. In this instance the approval of the final sale terms is required from the DMPC as not all the criteria required for a delegated approval by the Director of Property Services have been met.  Further detail is provided in Exempt Appendix 2.  

  1. Property Services consider the disposal of the freehold to the bidder identified in Exempt Appendix 2 achieves value for money having followed an open and transparent marketing and tendering exercise and having sought professional advice from independent property advisors. 

  1. Financial Comments 

  1. The detail of the expected capital receipt is set out in the restricted section of the report. The sale proceeds will support the 2021/22 capital receipts budget and support the capital programme investment in front line policing. 

  1. Legal Comments 

  1. The MOPAC has the power to dispose of surplus properties (including land) under paragraph 7 (2) (b) of Schedule 3 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 (“the Act”). Further, paragraph 7(1) of Schedule 3 of the Act allows the MOPAC to do anything which is calculated to facilitate or is conducive or incidental to the exercise of the functions of the office.  

  1. The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime may under the MOPAC Scheme of Consent and Delegation approve all disposals of properties with an estimated value of £1 million or above on a case by case basis before the property is marketed and /or dispose of property that is felt to be of an exceptional nature because of the particular sensitivity or because of a particular public interest element.  Following approval, the MPS Director of Property Services may dispose of the property to the highest bidder where the price equals or exceeds the agreed estimate, notifying the MOPAC in writing of the disposal.  As the proposed final sale terms do not meet all the criteria required for a delegated approval by the MPS Director the decision rests with DMPC. 

  1. GDPR and Data Privacy 

  1. MOPAC will adhere to the Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 and ensure that any organisations who are commissioned to do work with or on behalf of MOPAC are fully compliant with the policy and understand their GDPR responsibilities.   

  1. The MPS assure that programme does not use personally identifiable data of members of the public, so there are no GDPR issues to be considered.  

  1. Equality Comments 

  1. MOPAC is required to comply with the public sector equality duty set out in section 149(1) of the Equality Act 2010. This requires MOPAC to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations by reference to people with protected characteristics. The protected characteristics are: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. 

  1. The MPS state that they consider there to be limited equality or diversity issues arising as a result of the proposed disposal.  The property identified in this paper has no public facing functions, and open market sales making the properties available to all members of the public. 

  1. Background/supporting papers 





Signed decision document

PCD 1026 Sale of Former Shepherds Bush Police Station

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