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News from Tom Copley (past staff): Balloting residents on estate regeneration welcomed by Labour Group

Created on
02 February 2018

Responding to the Mayor of London’s decision to require ballots on estate regeneration, Labour’s London Assembly Housing Spokesperson, Tom Copley AM, said:

“Estate residents are generally the only group of people who face the prospect of having their homes demolished, so I strongly welcome the Mayor’s decision to require ballots where demolition takes place as a condition of funding for regeneration schemes. Estate regeneration when done well can deliver better quality homes and more affordable housing. But without resident support, schemes can face being blighted from the start. I’m pleased that the Mayor has listened to community groups, as well as the unanimous voice of the London Assembly.

“It’s important that it’s actual residents who have their say. Therefore I would urge that private tenants on estates are balloted, rather than the non-resident landlords they rent from.

“I welcome the reassurance from the Mayor that there will be no net loss of social housing, and that replacement homes will be delivered on the basis of floorspace rather than total number of units. This is crucial to prevent the loss of much needed family-sized homes. It’s essential that this guidance operates as a floor of expectations of good practice in London, and that as far as possible regeneration is led by or done in partnership with residents.”

Notes to editors

  • Tom Copley is a Londonwide Assembly Member


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