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EIR - Draft Estate Regeneration communications

Key information

Request reference number: 6503

Date of response:

Summary of request

Could I please be provided with:

1. Copies of all emails with the keywords “Draft Guide to Estate Regeneration” in the subject line or

body of the text, for the period 1/6/16 to present , sent from and received by:

a. The Mayor

b. The Deputy Mayor for Housing

c. Housing and Land, Head of Area, South London (Lucy Owen/Heather Juman)

d. Assistant Director - Programme Policy and Services (Jamie Ratcliff)

2. Copies of all emails to/from Lib Peck, leader of Lambeth Council for the period 1/6/16 to present ,

sent from and received by:

a. The Mayor

b. The Deputy Mayor for Housing

c. Housing and Land, Head of Area, South London (Lucy Owen/Heather Juman)

d. Assistant Director - Programme Policy and Services (Jamie Ratcliff)

3. Any attachments to the emails listed in 1 and 2

4. A copy of every iteration of the Mayor’s “Draft Guide to Estate Regeneration” which was

produced prior to the draft published for public consultation.

5. A list of all consultations/meetings held by the Office of the Mayor of London with local groups

(e.g., London Borough councils, developers and residents in relation to the “Draft

Guide to Estate Regeneration” .

6. Briefing notes, minutes or any other record of discussion in relation to the meetings detailed in 5

7. A register of the information that falls within the scope of this request. I would expect this to be a

list of all the emails falling within the scope, regardless of whether the content is to be disclosed.

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