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This page will tell you about the background and work of London-wide Assembly Member, Murad Qureshi.

Key issues

  • Environment - improving Londoners' quality of life, for example improving our air quality whilst also reducing our carbon footprint.
  • Improving the health of Londoners with particular emphasis on preventative measures.
  • Reviving London's rivers and canals.
  • Transport - giving Londoners a variety of sustainable and value for money travel options.
  • Housing - giving all Londoners a decent standard of living with affordable accommodation and listening to their concerns as leaseholders, tenants and share-owners.
  • Sport - its contribution to the cultural and civic life of London and the unfortunate loss of London's playing fields.


Murad was elected to the London Assembly as a Labour party list member in 2004 and re-elected on 1 May 2008 and on 3 May 2012. Murad grew up in Central London where he attended his local comprehensive school before receiving a degree from the University of East Anglia and an MSc in Environmental Economics from University College London.

Murad worked in Housing and Regeneration for 15 years establishing Housing Associations and Co-ops in the East End in response to chronic housing needs. He was also an Executive Committee member of SERA (1994-2000) campaigning on green issues and a former member of the City of Westminster Council (1998-2006) representing the neighbourhoods he grew up in.

Murad is Deputy Chair of the London Assembly Environment Committee. He also chaired the Health and Environment Committee during the 2004 and 2008 administrations, undertaking investigations into the expansion of Heathrow airport - resulting in the reports Plane Speaking and Flights of Fancy.

Murad is a former Board Member of BRAC UK, an International NGO that seeks to alleviate poverty and empower the poor in the UK and abroad.

As an avid sportsman Murad enjoys cricket and football and continues to play for local pub teams. He has campaigned for more open spaces and playing fields in London.

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