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6.1 Although transport is arguably central to achievement of all the objectives set out in paragraph 1.53, this chapter sets out policies primarily intended to support delivery of the sixth objective – that London should be:

  • A city where it is easy, safe and convenient for everyone to access jobs, opportunities and facilities with an efficient and effective transport system which actively encourages more walking and cycling, makes better use of the Thames, and supports delivery of all the objectives of this Plan.

6.2 The Mayor recognises that transport plays a fundamental role in addressing the whole range of his spatial planning, environmental, economic and social policy priorities. It is critical to the efficient functioning and quality of life of London and its inhabitants. It also has major effects – positive and negative – on places, especially around interchanges and in town centres and on the environment, both within the city itself and more widely. Conversely, poor or reduced accessibility can be a major constraint on the success and quality of places, and their neighbourhoods and communities. He is particularly committed to improving the environment by encouraging more sustainable means of transport, through a cycling revolution, improving conditions for walking, and enhancement of public transport.

6.3 The main source of policy on transport is the Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS). This sets six thematic goals, which link to the six themes of this Plan:

  • Supporting economic development and population growth
  • Enhancing the quality of life for all Londoners
  • Improving the safety and security of all Londoners
  • Improving transport opportunities for all Londoners
  • Reducing transport’s contribution to climate change, and improving its resilience
  • Supporting delivery of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and its legacy.

Delivery of the Mayor’s Transport Strategy will be essential to achievement of the vision and objectives of this Plan, which sets out the spatial development policies that will be needed for implementation of the MTS. Implementation of the policies and proposals in the two documents will be monitored in a co-ordinated way, and an integrated approach will be taken to their review, revision and alteration.

6.4 The Mayor will work closely with the boroughs, Transport for London, Government and the range of other stakeholders with a part to play in delivering safe, efficient and environmentally-friendly transport for London to ensure achievement of the objectives and policies of the Plan and the Mayor’s Transport Strategy. These objectives and policies should be taken into account by London boroughs in working together in settling sub-regional transport plans and Local Implementation Plans (LIPs), local development frameworks and other local transport policies and strategies.

6.5 This chapter sets out policies to support integration of transport and development, connecting London and ensuring better streets. It also sets out car and cycle parking standards.

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