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A The Mayor will work with and through the London Legacy Development Corporation to “promote and deliver physical, social, economic and environmental regeneration of the Olympic Park and its surrounding area, in particular by maximising the legacy of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, by securing high quality sustainable development and investment, ensuring the long term success of the facilities and assets within its direct control and supporting and promoting the aim of convergence”[1]and will seek to close the deprivation gap between the Olympic host boroughs (see Glossary) and the rest of London. This will be London’s single most important regeneration project for the next 25 years. It will sustain existing stable communities and promote local economic investment to create job opportunities (especially for young people), driven by community engagement.

Strategic and LDF preparation

B The Mayor’s planning priorities for the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and its surrounding areas were set out in his Olympic Legacy Strategic Planning Guidance (OLSPG)[2]. This work is now being taken forward through a DPD prepared by the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC) which should reflect and develop the objectives and ambition set out in the London Plan and OLSPG, in particular the need for a planned approach to regeneration and change; to embed exemplary design and environmental quality including attention to the response to climate change and provision of exemplary energy, water conservation and waste management; and to help meet existing and new housing needs – particularly for families. It should plan for Stratford’s development as a Metropolitan Centre, strategic transport hub and strategic location for growth in office, retail, academic and leisure uses. It should also consider social, community and cultural infrastructure requirements; set out how the areas around the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park can benefit from, be accessible from and be fully integrated with the retained venues and legacy proposals and ensure that new development within and surrounding the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park will facilitate accessible and affordable sport and recreation and maximise opportunities for all to increase physical activity and reduce health inequalities.

LDF preparation and planning decisions

C Through the LLDC and more widely, the Mayor will and boroughs should:

a reflect and give full planning weight to the LLDC’s DPD when preparing their own DPDs. In conjunction with the London Plan, the LLDC’s DPD will provide the local development plan for the area for development management purposes

b ensure that development contributes towards achieving the delivery of new homes, business space, physical and social infrastructure identified within the DPD

c ensure that new development contributes to the delivery of new strategic and local transport infrastructure and local connections (particularly walking and cycling) within, to and from the Legacy Corporation area

d ensure that development proposals in its area embody the highest achievable environmental standards and enhance open space provision and the waterways in the area for the full range of benefits they bring

e promote the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, its venues and surrounding attractors as international visitor destinations for sport, recreation and tourism

f support the provision and creation of a range of workspaces suitable for new and existing enterprises of all kinds, including developing its potential as a cultural quarter, extending London’s offer as an international centre of academic excellence and developing a high quality media and creative industry cluster at Hackney Wick that will provide premises and opportunities for local and global businesses, underpinned by strong technological infrastructure

g support the on-going, accessible use of the new permanent facilities and venues within the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park to meet London’s elite and recreational sports needs.

D Planning decisions should reflect the priorities set out above.

[1] Stated ‘purpose’ of the London Legacy Development Corporation

[2] Published by the Mayor of London in July 2012 and subsequently endorsed by the London Legacy Development Corporation and the London boroughs of Newham, Hackney and Waltham Forest.

Supporting text

2.18 The LLDC area is at the fulcrum of two nationally important growth corridors: the London-Stansted-Cambridge-Peterborough corridor to the north and the Thames Gateway to the east. The 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, their infrastructure and investment have created the most important strategic regeneration opportunities in London for the next 25 years. Successful, viable and sustainable regeneration of this area and its surroundings is the Mayor’s highest regeneration priority and offers a unique opportunity to secure and accelerate the delivery of many elements of his strategies and lessen inequality across London. The Olympic investment in east London, and the recognition arising from association with the Games, will be used to effect a positive, sustainable and fully accessible economic, social and environmental transformation for one of the most diverse and most deprived parts of the capital. It is likely to provide lessons and approaches that can be applied to other strategic regeneration projects in the future.

2.19 The Mayor established the LLDC in 2012 and it includes representatives from four of the Olympic host boroughs (LB Newham, Waltham Forest, Hackney and Tower Hamlets). It continues the work of the Olympic Park Legacy Company and other agencies which used to operate in the area, including planning powers over it previously held by the London Thames Gateway Development Corporation, the Olympic Delivery Authority and the host boroughs. It now has the full range of planning functions that would normally be available to a local planning authority, including plan making. It is in the process of preparing a Local Plan (DPD) which, together with the London Plan, will form the development plan for the area as in other parts of London.

2.19A This will maximise the opportunities provided by the Games’ physical legacy of world-class sports facilities, the media and broadcast centre, new housing and many hectares of new green space. In particular, development is being designed and built so as to guarantee its economic, social, health and environmental sustainability and physical accessibility for generations after 2012. The area will form an integral and integrated part of the regenerated wider Lee Valley to meet the needs of the area’s current and future communities.

2.19B Development will be focused on Stratford, the Lower Lee Valley and parts of the Upper Lee Valley Opportunity Area. It will seek to enhance the amenities of the Lee Valley Regional Park and the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and to support integration with strategies and policies being developed for the London-Stansted-Cambridge-Peterborough corridor and the London Thames Gateway.

2.20 Planning will be part of a wider process that aims to link the physical improvements that will be brought about through the Local Plan with socio-economic change in the host boroughs. The overall ambition of the LLDC is to achieve convergence in quality of life with the London average across a range of key indicators. The GLA and its functional bodies will take account of this ambition in the development and implementation of all strategies, plans and business plans.

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