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ADD2170 London Environment Strategy – consultation response

Key information

Decision type: Assistant Director

Reference code: ADD2170

Date signed:

Decision by: Fiona Fletcher-Smith, Executive Director of Development, Enterprise and Environment

Executive summary

The draft London Environment Strategy (LES) public consultation closes on 17 November. This ADD requests permission to spend up to £15,000 on the commissioning of consultation response analysis expertise. The analysis will inform a Consultation Response Report (a legal requirement) and the content of the final LES. The intended outputs of the work are: a spreadsheet containing the consultation response analysis and an interim and final report on the main findings.

Due to the timeframe for the production of the final LES in Spring 2018 and the level of commitment needed, this analysis cannot be undertaken in-house. The successful supplier will work closely with the Environment team to ensure that the analysis is appropriate and the outputs are fit for purpose.


The Assistant Director of Environment approves expenditure of up to £15,000 to procure external support to analyse the London Environment Strategy consultation responses.

Part 1: Non-confidential facts and advice

1.1 The Mayor of London is responsible for making London a better place for everyone who visits lives or work in the city. The Mayor wants London to be the ‘best big city in the world’. His work includes:

• making it easier for people to move in and around the city

• improving London’s environment

• helping the capital’s businesses to thrive

• providing Londoners with more affordable housing

• giving young people in London more opportunities

1.2 In November 2016 the Mayor of London launched A City for All Londoners. This document outlines the capital’s top challenges and opportunities across priority policy areas, as well as the changes that he wants to deliver over the next four years. This is the first stage of redrafting the London Plan. Alongside the London Plan, the Mayor has strategies covering Transport, Housing, Health Inequalities, Environment, Economic Development and Culture. All of these strategies are being revised.

1.3 The Mayor of London previously had eight separate environmental strategies, as set out below.


Publication year


Publication year



Business Waste


Air Quality




Climate Change Mitigation & Energy


Climate Change Adaptation


Municipal Waste


Ambient Noise


1.4 The Localism Act 2011 requires the Mayor to produce a single Environment Strategy instead of the six separate statutory environmental strategies. The Environment team have now revised the eight separate statutory and non-statutory environment strategies into one document; the draft London Environment Strategy (LES). The draft strategy is now out for public consultation until 17th November 2017.

1.5 To ensure that the final LES is fit for purpose, and sets out ambitions that are achievable and measurable, the consultation responses from stakeholders and the public must be analysed and, where appropriate, incorporated into the final document.

1.6 We want to procure the services of a specialist organisation that will analyse stakeholder responses to the draft LES consultation. We are seeking an experienced supplier who is familiar with the technical terms and processes involved and the sometimes complex interrelationships between the environmental policy areas, and also with other Mayoral policy areas, such as health and planning. Specialist expertise is therefore required to take the lead and analyse stakeholder consultation responses.

1.7 It is anticipated that dedicated resource for analysing the consultation responses will be needed on a full time basis over a 1-2 month period. Due to the timeframe of the production of this document with the final LES being prepared for Spring 2018 and the level of commitment needed, this cannot be undertaken in-house by the Environment team. External resource is therefore a critical requirement for the production of the final LES.

1.8 The successful supplier will work closely with the Environment team to ensure that the analysis is appropriate and the outputs are fit for purpose.

2.1 The outputs will be:

• a spreadsheet containing the consultation response analysis – this will allow for accurate filtering, searching and data analysis

• an interim report on the main findings to date

• a final report on the main findings and an analysis of the respondents

2.2 Together, these outputs will help inform the final LES (e.g. in terms of policy amendments) and the legally required Consultation Response Report.

3.1 The public sector equality duty requires the identification and evaluation of the likely potential impacts, both Under Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 (the “Equality Act”) as public authorities, the Mayor and the GLA must have due regard to the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and to advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not. Protected characteristics under the Equality Act comprise age, disability, gender re-assignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, and marriage or civil partnership status.

3.2 The LES consultation has been designed to seek input from all groups and communities. Ensuring that the responses are analysed properly will help the final document to reflect their diverse views and needs.

3.3 As a result, no particular effects of this proposed decision, positive or negative, are foreseen on persons with a protected characteristic under the Equality Act.

High level risks

Risk description (cause, 'risk event', potential impacts)

Mitigation/Risk response (state if the response is done or pending)

Probability (1-4)





Without someone to lead on the LES consultation response analysis work, there is a risk that policies are not as effective or integrated as they should be.

PENDING: A member of the Environment team will lead full-time on the LES consultation response analysis work, including production of the Consultation Response Report.





Reputational risk of missing the deadline for the final LES publication.

PENDING: A coding framework is currently in development (prior to the closure of the public consultation) and the procurement process is being initiated to ensure that the analysis methodology is already finalised and in place by the time the consultation closes.





Poor consideration of consultation responses leads to legal challenge, resulting in delay to the publication of the final LES and reputational damage.

PENDING: The Environment team lead will liaise closely with the successful Bidder to ensure that analysis is appropriate and outputs are fit for purpose. Liaison with the policy leads will then ensure that consultation responses are considered and, where appropriate, incorporated. This will be clearly documented in the Consultation Response Report.




Links to Mayoral Strategies

4.1 The LES links directly to the London Plan which brings together the Mayor’s strategies, such as those dealing with housing, transport, economic development.

4.2 The draft LES has been written with input from the GLA directorates and departments responsible for the preparation of other Mayoral strategies, such as Housing and Transport, to ensure that policies are interconnected and complementary.

4.3 The draft LES also links into the Mayor’s vision statement, A City for All Londoners, which outlines the capital’s top challenges and opportunities across priority policy areas, as well as the changes City Hall wants to deliver over the next four years.

5.1 Approval is being sought for expenditure of up to £15,000 to procure a specialist organisation to assist with consultation response analysis for the London Environment Strategy. The cost will be funded from the Environment Strategy 2017/18 budget.



Procurement of contract [ITT to inception meeting]

20/10/2017 – 10/11/2017

Delivery Start Date

10/11/2017 inception meeting

Trial analysis of responses received to date and coding frame development

13/11/2017 – 17/11/2017

Weekly provision of latest coded dataset (each Friday)

24/11/2017 – 01/12/2017

Interim coded dataset and interim report


Final coded dataset and report


Final evaluation start and finish (self/external) [delete as applicable]:


Delivery End Date [for project proposals]


Project Closure: [for project proposals]



London Environment Strategy consultation response analysis brief

  1. Context and Background


The Greater London Authority (‘GLA’) is a unique form of strategic city-wide government for London. It was created by the Greater London Authority Act 1999 and came into being in Summer 2000. It is made up of a directly elected Mayor – the Mayor of London – and a separately elected Assembly – the London Assembly.

The London Environment Strategy

The Mayor published his draft London Environment Strategy (LES) for public consultation on 11th August 2017. It presents his vision for London’s environment to 2050, and is the first time that London’s eight separate environmental strategies have been brought together into one integrated document.

The Mayor has committed to engaging stakeholders and Londoners on the draft LES to help ensure that the final LES is representative, effective, and appropriate. The public consultation closes on 17th November.

Members of the public have been encouraged to provide their ideas and feedback via the TalkLondon webpages. These responses will be analysed by our in-house consultation team and so will not be included in this brief.

However, stakeholders (such as businesses, utilities, boroughs, health sector, etc.) will respond in varying formats. Based on responses received on the draft Mayor’s Transport Strategy consultation, we are expecting approx. 350 stakeholder responses, each of 4-20 A4 pages in length. These will be received by e-mail, post, and via the consultation page webform.

The stakeholder responses will include information, ideas and feedback on all seven of the main policy areas included in the draft LES as individual chapters (air quality, green infrastructure, climate change mitigation and energy, waste, adapting to climate change, ambient noise, and the low carbon circular economy). Responses will vary from an outline of overall thoughts, to very detailed responses on one or more of these policy areas.

To enable the GLA’s policy teams (both within the Environment team and also those working on other Mayoral strategies) to consider this information fully, and ensure transparent and robust policy development, we need to provide it to the teams in an efficient and usable way.

  1. Scope

The scope of this contract comprises provision of specialist expertise for the analysis of stakeholder consultation responses to the draft LES, to help inform the final LES.

The contract will run until 31 December 2017.

  1. Deliverables

There are three outputs that we are seeking to commission, as follows:

  1. A categorised and themed analysis of all the text. Including retaining access to verbatim text, creating a dataset that is accessible by sorting and filtering by themes, and allowing easy analysis of the respondee profile (e.g. via Pivot Table). The identity and type of respondent (borough, business, etc.) will need to be recorded. This will be provided each week during the analysis period.
  2. A brief interim report. Highlighting ten main issues raised from the responses analysed by the interim report completion date. This will allow the Environment team to start developing policy changes, where necessary, early in the analysis process.
  3. A final summary report. This will inform final policy development, and form the basis of a Consultation Response Report that will be published with the final LES. The summary report should provide statistics on the respondents, a breakdown of responses by policy area, and highlighting ten main issues raised from the responses.

We will supply a draft coding frame in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. This will help to pinpoint comments from individual stakeholders to particular locations in the draft LES document (e.g. chapter, objective, policy, proposal). It will allow easy access to verbatim text (e.g. via hyperlinks and unique stakeholder ID numbers, etc.), as the context of individual comments within a response can be important.

Since many of the policy areas are interlinked, both with each other and with other Mayoral policy priorities (e.g. inequalities), there will be an opportunity to add Theme tags. There will also be an opportunity to include tags for other relevant Mayoral strategies (e.g. Housing, London Plan, Mayor’s Transport Strategy, etc.). We will supply a list of the Mayoral strategies, and the themes will be developed and refined throughout the analysis period.

The draft coding frame will be collaboratively developed and finalised during the week preceding the closure of the consultation period, based on responses already received. All responses will be provided in electronic format (though not all will necessarily machine-readable, for example in the case of responses received by post and scanned).

  1. Timetable

The primary need is to give policy teams easy access to all this information to use as part of their policy development, which will start shortly. To ensure that they can make use of all this feedback, we need to have the completed dataset in early December.

Below is a suggested timescale, but please suggest amendments, if necessary. The Bidder should note that some deliverables may be subject to statutory timescales that the GLA is required to meet, and in these cases the consultant shall strictly adhere to such timescales. This will be agreed with the contract manager at the inception meeting.



Send out Invitation To Tender

20th October

Receive bids

COB 3rd November

Commission/inception meeting or phone call

10th November

Trial analysis of responses received to date and coding frame development

13th-17th November

Weekly provision of latest coded dataset (each Friday)

24th November – 1st December

Interim coded dataset

29th November

Brief interim report highlighting 10 main issues raised in responses analysed to date

Final coded dataset

11th December

Final report summarising profile of respondees (e.g. stakeholder type, number of responses, breakdown of responses by policy area, etc.) and highlighting 10 main issues raised in responses

Project evaluation and feedback meeting / phone call

15th December

  1. Costs

Bidders should submit day-rates for activities We would also like to consider the costs and timescales required for each of the following dataset sizes (these include all stakeholder response formats):

  1. 1,400 pages of stakeholder response (assuming 4 pages of text from 350 responses)
  2. 4,200 pages of stakeholder response (assuming 12 pages of text from 350 responses)
  3. 7,000 pages of stakeholder response (assuming 20 pages of text from 350 responses)
  1. Your Submission

Must be sent to [email protected] and [email protected] by close of business on 3rd November 2017.

Bidders should indicate their ability to undertake all the matters indicated in this document and describe how they intend to carry out the work. Bidders should provide evidence of their ability to successfully carry out this type of consultancy.

In particular, Bidders must also provide:

  • A demonstration of the organisation’s experience of similar work
  • A brief CV for each member of the proposed team
  • An undertaking that no conflicts of interest would arise if the bidder was appointed to carry out the work, and a statement of how the bidder would deal with any potential conflicts of interest
  • A breakdown of costs in accordance with the attached Pricing Schedule (including Day Rate/s);
  • Details of any sub-contractors to be used and areas to be sub-contracted, or an undertaking that use of a sub-contractor at any point during the contract would be subject to specific agreement of the client
  • Details of three clients that the GLA may approach for information about past projects of a similar nature
  1. Evaluation

The evaluation process will be conducted to ensure that submissions are evaluated fairly to select the most economically advantageous offer. The quotation evaluation process will take account of the following:

Evaluation Criteria

Demonstration of criteria

Percentage Importance


Provide within bid evidence of the bidder’s track record on similar work


Evidence of experience on similar work within tight deadlines

Provide CVs of proposed project team


Suitability of reference supplied in terms of their appropriateness to the project

Provide contact details for references


Demonstration of the application of bidder’s equality/diversity policy to contract

Include equality/diversity policy within bid




  1. Contract terms and conditions

The GLA/TfL’s Consultancy Agreement shall apply to the provision of this service. Bidders should ensure that they have received a copy of this and understand it before tendering.

  1. Additional information

The selected consultant will be asked to identify what further information will be required at the initial project briefing meeting with a designated contract manager (Katherine Drayson).

Any additional operational requirements can be discussed with the GLA’s contract manager at the initial project briefing meeting

  1. Contract period

From the commencement date, the contract will run up until 31 December 2017, subject to compliance with the GLA Contracts Code of Practice.

  1. Output

Appropriate completed reports and other deliverables should be made available to GLA in machine-readable electronic format in a timely fashion.

  1. Contract Management

The contract will be managed by Katherine Drayson. Bidders should identify the person who will be responsible for their contract performance.

  1. Pricing

Fees and costs should include a breakdown of time and rates for all members of the team and any other expenses that the bidder wishes to claim. Time should be allowed for the work as described in this specification.

  1. Payment Terms

The contractor will be paid on the basis of a daily rate. Days, or parts thereof, will be allocated to specific projects, and invoiced monthly in arrears.

  1. Responsible Procurement.

Responsible Procurement is an essential factor in all the Authority’s contracts. Please see link to the Responsible Procurement Policy: /sites/default/files/gla_group_rpp_v7.12_final_template_for_web.pdf

Signed decision document

ADD2170 LES consultation response (signed) PDF

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