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ADD2147 Consultation draft London Plan supplementary material

Key information

Decision type: Assistant Director

Reference code: ADD2147

Date signed:

Decision by: Juliemma McLoughlin, Assistant Director of Planning

Executive summary

This ADD asks for approval to procure graphic design services for the design of supplementary material for the consultation draft London Plan, to be published in late November 2017. Approval is also sought to procure a specialist to prepare an easy read version of the draft London Plan information sheet/ executive summary.


That the Assistant Director - Planning approves:

1. expenditure of up to £49,000 for the design of supplementary material for the consultation draft London Plan

2. expenditure of up to £1,000 for an easy read version of the consultation draft London Plan information sheet/ executive summary

Part 1: Non-confidential facts and advice

1.1 The Mayor’s new London Plan will be published in draft for public consultation at the end of November 2017. The draft London Plan will exist in digital format but also in hard copy, as a hefty document.

1.2 The Deputy Mayor for Planning, Regeneration and Skills has requested additional material to accompany the draft Plan when it is published for consultation, and that these should be innovative and designed to a high standard. Items discussed include:

A a large one page (probably size A0) information sheet – analogous to an executive summary of the London Plan – which folds down to A4 and which will show:

• on one side – a map of London displaying key policy areas and items of interest from the London Plan, surrounded by infographics of key data

• on the other side – blocks of text summarising the Plan’s vision, objectives and priorities plus other illustrative material

B a series of large maps, also folding down to A4, illustrating key information from the Plan (for example, projected population and household growth by borough, projected employment growth by borough, where London’s growth will take place (opportunity areas, corridors, town centres etc), main transport proposals, transport accessibility (PTALs) and so on – exact number/content to be decided)

C a card wallet to hold the above

1.3 The Planning Team does not have the capacity to undertake this work – hence we wish to appoint graphic design services to prepare this supplementary material. Given the urgency, the Creative Services Manager is content that this be outsourced.

1.4 Approval is also sought to procure a specialist to prepare an easy read version of the information sheet/executive summary – ie. item A above.

2.1 The graphic design service will work with the London Plan Team to specify and design physical and digital representations of key London Plan information which will:

• be well designed, to a high visual standard

• be informative, accessible and attractive

• adhere to the GLA’s design guidelines

• reflect the design framework of the main London Plan document

• work both in print and interactive online

• raise public awareness of the draft London Plan

• engage Londoners’ interest such that people will respond online to the public consultation November 2017/March 2018

• be conceived and designed so that its life and value extends beyond the consultation period

• be ready for print early November 2017

3.1 The supplementary material will reflect the vision, aims, objectives and policies of the consultation draft London Plan which will be published in November 2017.

3.2 The draft London Plan is itself subject to an Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) which includes an Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA).

Key risks and issues

4.1 The supplementary material needs to be conceived, designed and printed ready for public consultation on the draft London Plan in November 2017. The Planning Team does not have sufficient capacity to undertake this work. If external graphic design services cannot be secured in time, it will not be possible to prepare this material ahead of public consultation.

Links to Mayoral strategies and priorities

4.2 The London Plan is the Mayor’s Spatial Development Strategy for Greater London and is the land use/spatial framework for all the other Mayoral strategies.

Impact assessments and consultations

4.3 The London Plan is subject to an IIA, including EqIA.

5.1 Approval is being sought for expenditure of up to £49,000 for Graphic Design Services to create supplementary material for the consultation Draft London Plan. Approval is also being sought for expenditure of up to £1,000 for a consultant to prepare an easy read version of the consultation draft London Plan information sheet and or an executive summary. These costs will be funded from the 2017-18 London Plan Programme budget.

6.1 Given the very tight timeline, it is essential that the design service is procured as quickly as possible. It is intended that the TfL Framework will be used to procure the design service.



Procurement of contract

August 2017

Delivery Start Date

September 2017

Main milestone – scoping artwork all elements

Early September 2017

Main milestone – detailed artwork all elements

September – October 2017

Main milestone – easy read version of info sheet

Early November 2017

Main milestone – all elements ready for print

Early November 2017

Project Closure

Mid November 2017

Annex 1


for London Plan supplementary material


The London Plan is the statutory Plan for London. It is also part of a suite of Mayoral strategies – others include the Mayor’s Transport Strategy, the Mayor’s Housing Strategy, and the London Environment Strategy.

Information on the current London Plan – the latest version of which was published in March 2016 under the previous administration – can be found at /programmes-strategies/planning/london-plan/current-london-plan

Sadiq Khan was elected Mayor of London in May 2016. In October 2016 he published A City for all Londoners. This sets out the Mayor’s vision for all his strategies, including the London Plan – /sites/default/files/city_for_all_londoners_nov_2016.pdf

The task

The Mayor’s new London Plan will be published in draft for public consultation at the end of November 2017. The draft London Plan will exist in digital format but also in hard copy, as a hefty document.

The GLA wishes to procure graphic design services for supplementary material to accompany the publication of the new draft London Plan in November 2017.

This material is likely to include:

1. A large one page (probably size A0) information sheet – analogous to an executive summary of the London Plan – which folds down to A4 and which will show:

• on one side – a map of London displaying key policy areas and items of interest from the London Plan, surrounded by infographics of key data

• on the other side – blocks of text summarising the Plan’s vision, objectives and priorities plus other illustrative material

2. A series of large maps, also folding down to A4, illustrating key information from the Plan (for example, projected population and household growth by borough, projected employment growth by borough, where London’s growth will take place (opportunity areas, corridors, town centres etc), main transport proposals, transport accessibility (PTALs) and so on – exact number/content to be decided)

3. A card wallet to hold the above

We are open to other ideas about the above – both in physical and digital format – and would expect the design service to contribute to this process.


To work with the London Plan Team to specify and design physical and digital representations of key London Plan information which:

• is well designed, to a high visual standard

• is informative, accessible and attractive

• adheres to the GLA’s design guidelines

• reflects the design framework of the main London Plan document

• works both in print and interactive online

• raises public awareness of the Plan

• engages Londoners’ interest such that people will respond online to the public consultation November 2017/March 2018

• is conceived and designed so that its life and value extends beyond the consultation period

• ready for print early November 2017


• proficiency in GIS and mapping software – essential

• proficiency in Adobe creative suite (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop etc) – essential

• capacity for intensive work from the beginning of September through to mid November 2017

• ability to work closely with clients (the GLA Planning Team)

• the draft London Plan’s content will not be finally signed off until late October so the probability of ongoing change to the supplementary material – including the possibility of last minute changes to words and images – must be understood and managed


• August 2017 – appoint

• late August/early September – begin scoping artwork with the Planning Team

• September-October – detailed artwork, liaising with the Planning Team

• early November – finalise for print

Signed decision document

ADD2147 Consultation draft London Plan graphics services (signed) PDF

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