Back to school and college
All students should now be attending nursery, school or college.
We must do all we can to keep our children in education, but it is understandable that many children, young people, parents, and carers might still be feeling anxious and worried about children and young people attending nursery, school or college.
In this new school year schools are working hard to ensure protective measures are taken, whilst at the same time encouraging attendance and minimising any disruption to children and young people’s education. Schools and parents should continue to follow public health advice on testing, self-isolation and managing confirmed cases of COVID-19. For college and secondary school students there will be provision for two on-site tests at the start of the Autumn term, then students will be asked to take a test twice-weekly at home.
From 19 July education and childcare settings are no longer being asked to conduct routine contact tracing, when a positive case is identified. As with positive cases in any other setting, NHS Test and Trace will work with either the person who has tested positive – or in the case of children, their parents, carers or guardian- to identify close contacts. From 16 August, if the close contact is under 18, they will not have to self-isolate (in line with the policy for fully vaccinated adults) but will be asked to take an PCR test immediately, and they will not need to self-isolate while awaiting the results of the test. Children who are aged under 5 years old who are identified as close contacts would only be advised to take a PCR test if the positive case is within their own household. There is further advice and guidance on self-isolation, contact tracing and taking a test.
Face coverings no longer need to be worn by students, staff and visitors either in classrooms or in communal areas, unless you are advised otherwise by the headteacher or principal. However, face coverings remain mandatory when using Transport for London services and are recommended on other public transport and dedicated transport to educational settings.
COVID vaccines are currently available for everyone aged 16 or over, and the government has recently announced that this offer will be extended to children aged 12 and over. More information on the COVID 19 vaccine.
Please see the Department for Education’s website for further Government guidance and parents are encouraged to visit this government webpage for information and practical guidance to help them plan for their children’s return to school.
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