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Volcanoes and Volunteers

Good relationships support good health
Created on
01 July 2016

An emergency planner is never on holiday...I was recently in Italy and got (probably too) excited about a trip to Pompei and Mount Vesuvius (if you're interested take a look at the Italian Civil Protection webpage for more information about the plan should Vesuvius erupt again).

Although there are no active volcanoes in British Isles, you may remember the impacts to air travel and other industries of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption in Iceland. The London Risk Register sets out not just the types of emergencies which could happen in London, but also any emergencies which have a potential to impact on London.

Take a look at the latest version and think about your own preparedness - here's some pointers to get started.

Earlier in the week I attended a workshop with representatives of the Voluntary Sector. More often than not the response to emergencies is supported by volunteers. Some are members of organisations like the British Red Cross, St John Ambulance or RNLI, but many people simply offer to help in any way they can at the time of an emergency.

We are working with Team London to look at how we can better support all types of volunteers to work together, and work with official responders. As this work develops we'll bring you updates.

Next week we'll be meeting with partners to review our Business Continuity Awareness Week campaign and looking at how we can best support the event next year. If you saw any of our posts (or our Storify) this year we'd love to hear what you think was helpful.

The group will also be looking at our Communicating with the Public Framework which is under regular review to make sure if reflects the latest arrangements.

Wishing you all a safe weekend,

Matt, London Resilience Officer