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Happy 6th Birthday Talk London

Talk London's birthday cake
Created on
17 July 2018

Talk London was started up 6 years ago, to give people the opportunity to have their say on big issues in London. A year ago we overhauled our look, added some new features, and became a part of the main website. Right on time for the exciting year ahead.

You’ve been busy!

Since July last year, you’ve taken part in strategy consultations on diversity and inclusion, the environment, housing, health inequalities, economic development, skills, Smart London, culture and food. New surveys and discussions followed each other in rapid succession. Thousands of you responded to our e-mail invitations to take part and we could not be more grateful.

Some of the final strategies have been published already, some are still being developed by City Hall’s policy teams, and some consultations are yet to be launched. You can find out more about how you helped to shape the strategies published this year in the Your Impact section at the bottom of the landing page and the relevant topic pages. As always, we’ll e-mail you to let you know of new opportunities to have your say or to share the impact your views have made.

We’ve grown!

More than 4,000 new members signed up to Talk London since July 2017. Some found us on the main website, via social media or Google, or because you forwarded our e-mails and shared our content with your friends and families.

Talk London this year

  • 4000

    New members Thanks everyone for joining us

  • 4500

    New comments You shared your views in lots of different discussions

  • 18000

    New survey responses It was a busy year with lots of strategy consultations and surveys

  • 300

    New discussions Many of you started new discussions on big issues in London

We also featured some popular content, such as the Tube journey tool we created ahead of the Smart London Plan consultation in March. We shared this with you first, before it went viral on social media and got picked up by the press. Many of you also shared the Mayor’s campaign to nominate Hidden Credits: London women whose achievements you’d like to see more widely recognised.

What’s next?

We can’t give away too much just yet, but there will be plenty of occasions to take action, have your say and change your city. Our researchers are working closely with the different teams at City Hall to ensure we involve all of you and more in policy shaping and decision making. Keep an eye on your inbox for more – and please spread the word to help us grow the Talk London community.

From all of us in the Talk London team, thanks again for all your contributions!