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ERDF FoodSave Project Wins Award

Created on
31 October 2015

The Mayor of London’s FoodSave programme has won the 2014 LARAC (Local Authority Recycling Advisory Committee) celebration award for ‘Best Waste Minimisation or Prevention Project’. This award recognises and celebrates the success of projects that reduce waste generation and/or prevent waste arising. FoodSave supports food businesses to prevent food waste, puts surplus food to good use and reduces the amount of food waste that goes to landfill.

To date FoodSave has helped businesses collectively to save over £200,000, reduce 57 tonnes of food waste and divert 600 tonnes from landfill annually. FoodSave was competing against other waste projects across the UK and received the award on 15 October at the LARAC awards ceremony in Nottingham.

FoodSave is funded by the Mayor of London, European Regional Development Fund and London Waste and Recycling Board.