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The London Assembly Annual Report 2015/16

London Assembly MQT, May 2016

Key information

Publication type: General

Publication date:

Holding the Mayor to account every day

Are you familiar with the work of your Assembly Member?

Do you understand exactly what the London Assembly does?

During 2015/16 your 25 Assembly Members were busy being your voice at City Hall. Some of the things achieved were:

  • The GLA Oversight Committee produced a report highlighting a series of procedural breaches in the Garden Bridge procurement process.
  • Highlighted concerns over emissions testing, before the Volkswagen “dieselgate” scandal broke and the true extent of the problem became globally known.
  • The Budget and Performance Committee highlighted a five year delay to the TfL Sub-Surface Upgrade Programme (SSUP) and the £900 million impact on TfL’s budget.
  • In 2014 the Assembly concluded the Met had not made a convincing case for why water cannon were needed. Subsequently, the Home Secretary blocked their use the new Mayor announced they would be sold.
  • The Transport Committee recommendations to halve the eligibility time for passengers to claim compensation for train delays were implemented.
  • The Budget and Performance Committee influenced Transport for London’s decision to retrofit opening windows on new Routemaster buses, following public complaints that the buses were too hot.
  • The Regeneration Committee successfully lobbied the London Legacy Development Corporation to release details on the contract for the new West Ham Stadium.

Read more about the work of your London Assembly during 2015/16 in the attached Annual Report.

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Related documents

London Assembly Annual Report 2015/16