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Growing, growing, gone: Long-term sustainable growth for London


Key information

Publication type: General

Publication date:


London’s population is increasing by 100,000 every year and could reach 13.4 million by 2050. This is the equivalent of adding two cities the size of Manchester.

Without good planning, London could suffer unreliable energy supplies and excessive carbon emissions; a shortage of drinkable water; contaminated flooding caused by sewage overflow; and habitat destruction resulting in fewer green spaces for Londoners.

The London Assembly Environment Committee report, ‘Growing, growing, gone: Long-term sustainable growth for London’ identifies the key challenges to accommodate London’s growth and makes recommendations as to how those pressures can best be managed, including:

  • Put long-term sustainability at the heart of all Mayoral strategies.
  • Integrate water strategy across the areas of supply, demand, drainage and flood risk.
  • Work towards standardised domestic waste collections across London.
  • Protect London’s green spaces and waterways and ensure London gets more environmental benefit out of its green and blue infrastructure through multifunctional usage, such as enhancing drainage and biodiversity.

Read the report below.

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Related documents

Growing, growing, gone - Long-term sustainable growth for London

Growing, growing, gone report - written evidence