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Publication from Siân Berry: Response to A City for All Londoners

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Publication type: General

Publication date:


London could not be at a more critical moment for making a new spatial plan. Housing costs are creating existential problems for the city. People on low incomes and those on average salaries in key public sector professions are now struggling to live here at all. With a strong evidence base that housing affordability is in crisis, the new London Plan needs to make fundamental policy changes that will affect whether our city can function in the future.

This document responds to the publication in October 2016 of the Mayor’s vision, A City for All Londoners. More detailed comments will be needed when each of the Mayor’s proposed strategy documents and the new London Plan itself are published.

These ten chapters represent my views on behalf of the Green Group of Assembly Members, and contain key policy ideas that I believe will make the most difference to improve Londoners’ daily lives and secure a better city for all our citizens in the future.

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