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Publication from Caroline Russell: Response to the Mayor's draft Transport Strategy

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Publication type: General

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Not scrapping Silvertown Tunnel biggest failing in MTS

Since May 2016 I’ve lobbied the Mayor of London to cut traffic and deliver people-friendly streets alongside a fairly-priced, accessible public transport system.

I’m encouraged by the overall direction of his draft transport strategy. Unlike his predecessor, this Mayor recognises that car dependency must end. He has plans to reduce traffic and some ambitious targets to boost walking, cycling and public transport use.

The Mayor’s vision for inclusive, healthy streets is timely. Londoners are ageing and increasingly inactive, suffering from the health impacts of polluted air. Better street designs could help people build exercise into daily journeys, cut pollution and make the city an altogether more pleasant place to live.

But unless the Mayor gets traffic down, his plans to shake up the city’s streets will not work.

It is therefore surprising that the Mayor has not set out a clear timetable for the introduction of road pricing in this Mayoral term.

Alongside his continued determination to build the Silvertown Tunnel, this is the biggest failing in his transport strategy.

It is also disappointing that the Mayor hasn’t set a timetable and firm plans for introducing cycling and walking infrastructure across the whole city.

It is doubtful whether the Mayor will be able to accomplish all of his manifesto commitments, given his slow start and the time he’s let slip away since the election.

He must speed up the pace of change if he is to turn this around.

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Caroline Russell draft transport strategy response