Regeneration project: Hounslow Town Centre
A total of £2.5m from the first two rounds of the Mayor’s Outer London Fund along with £1.2m from Hounslow Council has been allocated to help Hounslow town centre attract more visitors and increase trade, capitalising on its proximity to Heathrow and future growth in west London. Run down streets and a lack of well-defined public space has contributed to a reduction in visitors to the high street. New plans will make the most of Hounslow’s vibrant, culturally diverse town centre and excellent links to the rest of London. The first round of investment was put into a series of schemes to animate, light up and boost businesses in the town centre, preparing Hounslow for a comprehensive programme of physical improvements made in Round Two with further support from TfL.
Animating places
Round One of Outer London Fund investment in Hounslow was used to produce a series of events to animate the town centre. Three major events were designed in partnership with local arts centre Watermans. West London University, West Thames College, Hounslow Music Service and Feltham Arts Association all took part. A two-day Diwali celebration, a Christmas festival and a fashion showcase each promoted local talent and trade, and tested local appetite for event-based activities. Some 19,000 people attended the events. Thanks to the initiative Watermans has been awarded a large Arts Council England grant to extend cultural events across the borough over the next three years.
Public spaces
Following the success of events funded by the first round of Mayoral investment, physical improvements designed by David Kohn Architects are now being made to the high street to make it a more suitable location for everyday life and trade, as well as special events. As well as tidying up the streets and pavements, two permanent event spaces are being created at Bell Square and Church Square. Throughout the pedestrianised part of the high street, new lighting, planting, furniture, cycle racks and more attractive paving materials are being installed. A new setting for a regular market is also being added, with a better layout of stalls and new seating for visitors. Future TfL funding will see the scheme extended to the eastern section of the high street.
Building frontages
Four businesses were chosen by the council for shop front improvements during Round One to act as prototypes for the rest of Hounslow town centre. The units were picked for their architectural significance, location in high footfall areas and potential to have a greater impact as a group. Designed by Good People were commissioned to redesign the frontages with window graphics, new fascias, repainting, signs and awnings. A second round of shop front improvements, designed by Mark Projects, builds on the lessons and success of this initial investment.
Following the achievements of Hounslow’s Outer London Fund projects, the borough have been awarded £2.3m from Transport for London’s Major Scheme programme. This investment will build on the improvements to the high street started by the Outer London Fund, extending it eastwards and providing better links between the stations and the town centre.
Preparing for change
Investment from the first round of the Outer London Fund was used strategically to fund studies that helped Hounslow to prepare for subsequent funding bids. An outline vision, topography study and ground survey contributed to the planning of the public space. In addition, the three events produced in Round One tested the ground for future animation and participation, and contributed to the decision to plan events spaces into the public realm proposals. Running these events helped develop an important relationship between the council and Watermans arts centre, and supported their successful Arts Council England bid.
Borough: Hounslow
Partners/client: LB Hounslow
Consultants: David Kohn Architects, Designed by Good People, Mark Projects, Europa, Alex Rich
Funding: Mayor of London £2.5m, LB Hounslow £1.2m
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