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In 2018, the Mayor of London signed London up to the World Health Organization’s (WHO’s) Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities.

He has since led a collaboration involving stakeholder organisations and Londoners from across the capital.

This used the WHO’s framework to identify, prioritise and develop key actions that need to be delivered to make London one of the world’s leading age-friendly cities.

Read the action plan to find out what the Mayor is doing to improve the lives of older people in London. 

Making London a city where older people are truly valued.

Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan

Read a summary of the Mayor's action plan.

Six people of different ages stand next to a large banner at action plan launch event. The banner reads "Making London age friendly".

Key evidence on the experience of older Londoners.

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan posing for picture with City of London in the background

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