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Mile End Road/Globe Road crossing

Key information

Petition presented by: Unmesh Desai

Date petition submitted: Thursday 8 March 2018

Petition presented at: London Assembly Plenary

Summary of petition

“We, the undersigned, call on Transport for London (TfL) to work with Tower Hamlets Council to change the traffic light sequencing and introduce safe pedestrian crossings where Mile End Road (A11) crosses both Globe Road and White Horse Lane. Currently, this junction is extremely dangerous for pedestrians, as the traffic flows prioritise vehicles and there is no time for pedestrians to cross safely, let alone a formal crossing point on either side road. While we recognise the junction is busy for vehicles, it is also a crucial crossing point for local residents, being close to Stepney Green Station, local schools and numerous shops and businesses including a Co-Operative supermarket. We are worried this area could become even busier and more dangerous since the opening of a new Sainsbury’s on Globe Road close to where pedestrians try and cross. Many children, families and elderly people use this junction daily. We understand these locations are under TfL’s jurisdiction as the A11 is a “red route” and that Tower Hamlets Council has also raised these concerns directly, but TfL have said they have no plans to change the traffic signals to introduce a pedestrian phase or any crossings. Local councillors and residents are aware of many near-misses and actual accidents over the years. We urge Transport for London to prioritise pedestrian safety and work with Tower Hamlets Council to bring forward pedestrian crossings as soon as possible.”

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