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London Housing Panel

Key information

Date: Thursday 02nd September 2021

Time: 10:00am

Motion detail

Siân Berry AM proposed, and Andrew Boff AM seconded, the following motion:

“This Assembly notes with disappointment that the Greater London Authority (GLA) has decided to cease funding the London Housing Panel (LHP) in March 2022.

This is less than three years from its launch, when it was set up through a partnership between the Mayor and Trust for London to provide the voluntary and community sector with a structured way of engaging with the GLA in relation to housing policy, and vice versa.

The Panel's objectives are:

  • To ensure that the Mayor’s policies on housing reflect the needs of those Londoners who have been disadvantaged and/or are living vulnerably.
  • To add weight to the Mayor’s work when it fits with the values and purpose of our work and the needs of our communities.
  • To support and challenge the Mayor in thinking differently about the housing solutions and options that will most benefit those who are living in poverty.
  • Where relevant, to make connections between housing and other related issues such as welfare reform, health and wellbeing, and the environment.

This Assembly is concerned that at this time of greater housing insecurity for so many Londoners, the work of the Panel is needed more than ever.

Given the central importance of housing and of retrofit as London battles the climate emergency and the post-coronavirus recovery, and the resources already invested, it is not sensible to scrap such a crucial initiative before it has had a chance to complete its work.

The funding required for the LHP is just £30,000 per annum which is match funded by Trust for London. We call on the Mayor reverse this decision and continue to support and fund the London Housing Panel."

Upon being put to a vote, the motion in the name of Siân Berry AM, was agreed with 11 votes being cast in favour, and 0 votes being cast against.

Response to motion

The Mayor's response to the motion

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