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MD1640 Environment Team work programme 2016-17

Key information

Decision type: Mayor

Reference code: MD1640

Date signed:

Decision by: Boris Johnson, Former Mayor of London (May 2008 - May 2016)

Executive summary

This MD seeks Mayoral approval of the GLA Environment Team’s 2016-17 work programme and associated expenditure of up to a maximum of £756,000. Given the timing in the election cycle, only necessary commitments will be contractually entered into until the new Mayor has had the time to review the GLA budget.


That the Mayor approves expenditure of up to £756,000 to deliver the Environment Team’s 2016-17 work programme (as set out in section 2 of this report), which, when combined with previously agreed expenditure, totals £796,000.

Part 1: Non-confidential facts and advice

1.1 The Environment Team is required to undertake a range of activities as part of delivering on statutory functions involved in devolved national policies, supporting the implementation of the London Plan and the statutory London Environment Strategy, and providing inventories of data that other partners can use to deliver Mayoral priorities.

1.2 The Environment Team’s work programme has two objectives: To make London a resilient, greener city and a more resource efficient city. Underpinning both these objectives is the need to secure investment and create jobs, so the work programme focuses on seeking opportunities to diversify the economy and create the conditions for sustainable growth.

1.3 The Environment Team’s work programme will assist with achieving the Mayor’s vision of London being the “greatest city in the world” through:
• Delivering environmental commitments and strategies, using our strategic perspective and analysis to maximise impact and value for money
• Delivering on statutory responsibilities, both devolved national responsibilities and statutory strategies
• Working with key stakeholders to encourage and enable them to work more coherently together to deliver on the Mayor’s priorities
• Providing critical support to mayoral priorities such as working to deliver 2020 Vision and developing the London Infrastructure Plan, Smart City programme and the LEP’s work programme.

2.1 This work programme will contribute to:
• the development of the green economy, securing investment and creating jobs, including through the delivery of the London Infrastructure Plan
• the efficient delivery of London Plan environment policies and targets
• the efficient delivery of environment Strategy targets and commitments

A green and resilient city
• London to have the ‘best air quality of any major world city by 2020’ (Vision 2020)
• Increasing London’s tree cover by 5 per by 2025 (Vision 2020 and the Adaptation strategy)
• Increasing green cover in the Central Activity Zone by 5 per cent by 2030 (Adaptation strategy)
• Increasing resilience of critical infrastructure and vulnerable communities (Adaptation strategy)
• Raising awareness and building capacity of key stakeholders to address climate risk (Adaptation strategy)
• Promoting London as a safe place to do business and invest in (Adaptation strategy)

A resource efficient city
• Reducing London’s CO2 emissions by 20 per cent by 2015, 40 per cent by 2020 and 60 per cent by 2025 and 80 per cent by 2050 (Energy strategy)
• Supplying 25 per cent of London’s energy from decentralised sources by 2025 (Energy strategy)
• Helping to increase London’s water security by improving water efficiency (Adaptation strategy)
• Reducing the amount of household waste produced from 970kg per household in 2009/10 to 790kg per household by 2031 (Waste strategy)
• Recycling, or composting at least 45 per cent of municipal waste by 2015, 50 per cent by 2020 and 60 per cent by 2031. (Waste strategy)
• Reduce London’s waste management to save one mega tonne of CO2 equivalent per year by 2031 (waste strategy)

2.2 The table below sets out the main elements of the work programme, overall costs and immediate expenditure related decisions. Note there will be additional decisions required throughout the financial year to utilise all the available budget, or relating to any additional income or expenditure.


Overall Cost £’000

London Energy & Greenhouse Gases Inventory (LEGGI) and London Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (LAEI). The LEGGI and LAEI inventories provide critical baseline information and forward projections on energy use, greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions/concentrations as well as associated analysis (e.g. exposure and health impacts). These inventories are required to support the implementation, development and monitoring of energy and air quality policies and programmes including the delivery of the targets set out within 2.1. Both inventories use a combination of in-house resources, TfL support (for transport sources) and specialist consultancy services.

Immediate Expenditure Related Decision(s) Required

To award contracts for services for up to £50,000 to improve the verification of London’s CO2 emissions, update London’s greenhouse gas inventory for 2014/15, complete an updated PAS2070 scope 3 emissions case study for London and develop initiatives following the recommendations of such a study.

To facilitate the production and development of the inventories as well as to undertake associated analysis officers are authorised to transfer funds to TfL to a total value of £77,000.


Green Data Management

Funding will support the management and analysis of London-wide natural environment data. This will help provide the evidence base for the London Plan review, the Mayor’s environment strategies and associated 2016/17 green infrastructure and biodiversity delivery programmes . By supporting the management of this data we are also able to provide our partners access to relevant datasets to support their delivery programmes and the evidence needed to support project development and subsequent funding bids.

Immediate Expenditure Related Decision(s) Required

3 years expenditure with Greenspace information for Greater London (GiGL) authorised by MD1503


Local Air Quality Management.

Expert advice is needed to support the environment team in the implementation and development of London Plan air quality policies and to discharge statutory responsibilities relating to Local Air Quality Management functions delegated to the Mayor from the Secretary of State. This will be vital in achieving the air quality targets set out within 2.1.

Immediate Expenditure Related Decision(s) Required

A new London-specific approach for Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) will go live in May 2016. The GLA is legally required to discharge the Mayor’s statutory duties relating to LAQM as delegated from the Secretary of State in the Environment Act 1995. Officers are authorised to procure and use specialist consultancy support to assess various reports and other documents as well as to support any other activity which facilitates the effective delivery of the Mayor’s statutory LAQM duties.

Expenditure includes:

  • £15K annual report assessments
  • £12,500 for a London report on all the local measures boroughs have taken – what went well, what could be replicated etc. Information will be taken from the local reports and this is a new requirement for the LLAQM.
  • £17,500 tools, guidance and events (whole point of LLAQM is to provide stronger support and guidance for boroughs)


London Climate Change Partnership (LCCP).

Grant to the LCCP will progress the following projects:

  • Organising a finance sector roundtable on climate resilience to identify the climate risks and opportunities created by London’s position as a leader in the global economy (in response to proposal by the Assembly in their Weathering the Storm report).
  • Working with the Health and Communities team to identify and map Social Infrastructure that creates and sustains resilience.
  • Working with Infrastructure Delivery Board to promote adaptation pathways and similar approaches to building resilience into infrastructure projects.
  • Engaging with RE FIT advisors to incorporate adaptation into their work (in similar vein to what we previously did with RE NEW).
  • Supporting the development of the London Environment Strategy, including acting as an independent peer review partner.

The grant to the LCCP will secure at least £30k match funding.

Immediate Expenditure Related Decision(s) Required

The GLA has a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Environment Agency regarding the LCCP and support staff. The GLA will grant up to £30,000 to the Environment Agency under the existing MoU to undertake the projects above.


Emissions Performance Standard

As part of the Emission Performance Standard, funding is required to monitor emissions from waste management operations and to produce updates to the Climate Change Mitigation and Energy Strategy and Mayors Air Quality Strategy.

Immediate Expenditure Related Decision(s) Required

The Mayor’s Municipal Waste Management Strategy commits to an annual review of London’s performance against the Emissions Performance Standard which is a carbon based metric that the strategy commits London waste authorities to delivering against. The review is undertaken by consultants with a total value up to £15,000.

The additional £6K will be utilised for design work in support of the development of the London Environment Strategy


London Energy Plan Tool

London Energy Plan – the first spatial mapping of London’s energy demand, supply and infrastructure requirements to 2050. The Plan aims to identify cost effective heat and electricity infrastructure to accommodate London’s growing population whilst ensuring London’s energy supply is low carbon and secure. It focuses on areas of new development, including Opportunity Areas and town centres, but also addresses levels of retrofitting required in London’s existing built environment. This follows on from the London Infrastructure Investment Plan and forms a valuable evidence base for the GLA Environment team that will be used to underpin future policy development and appropriate delivery mechanisms. It is a vital resource for the GLA, boroughs, national decision makers, infrastructure providers and other external stakeholders.

Immediate Expenditure Related Decision(s) Required

Allocate up to £50,000 for;

  • Developing detailed records of the London Energy Plan models to allow them to have a long lifetime,
  • further development of the London Energy Plan models to improve functionality and model additional scenarios, &
  • consultation and marketing activities.


Re:leaf Partnership –

The Mayor’s Climate Change Adaptation strategy includes a target to increase tree canopy cover from 20% to 25% by 2025 to help off-set the predicted impacts of climate change as well as other benefits including: enhancing biodiversity; improving air quality; enhancing local amenity and maintaining London’s reputation as one of the greenest big cities.

The Mayor’s current contribution to meeting this 5% target is through:

  • ensuring the London Plan provides a sympathetic policy framework which encourages the protection and maintenance of trees and the planting of new trees and woodlands;
  • co-ordinating a partnership that encourages and co-ordinates tree planting and woodland management projects

providing pump-priming resources for tree-planting and other projects that deliver the objectives of the partnership

Immediate Expenditure Related Decision(s) Required

To enter into appropriate funding agreements to support RE:LEAF partner activities for the planting of trees and promotion of the London’s ‘urban forest’, £40,000 will provide ongoing support for

  • London-wide tree planting projects in the 2016/17 planting season
  • Further i-Tree evaluations (London-wide, borough and area-based) of London trees in 2016
  • Support London Tree Week and the London Tree and Woodland Awards in May 2016


The All London Green Grid/Green Infrastructure Taskforce

The All London Green Grid (ALGG) provides the policy framework and co-ordination required to: underpin the delivery of green infrastructure including green space improvements In the light of the recommendations of the Mayor’s Green Infrastructure Taskforce funding in 2016/17 will

  • Ensure current regeneration and development schemes help deliver the London Plan objectives for green infrastructure
  • Support taking forward the delivery of commitments in the GI taskforce report including preparing for an update of the All London Green Grid
  • Ensure London capitalises on UK and EU funding streams including 2016 Heritage Lottery Funding and H2020 EU funding calls that will support the delivery of the ALGG.

Immediate Expenditure Related Decision(s) Required

£20,000 funding will support

  • the update of the ALGG and its London wide co-ordination
  • delivering commitments in the Green Infrastructure Taskforce report


Greening the Built Environment

Building on the success of the ‘Greening the BIDS’ programme , we will continue to provide support on engaging businesses and estate owners/managers - primarily through Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) -to help them recognise the benefits of green infrastructure and deliver green infrastructure projects in their local area

Immediate Expenditure Related Decision(s) Required

£30,000 will fund the ongoing co-ordination by the Cross River Partnership of the Greening the BIDs initiative in 2016/17 and the production of up to 3 green infrastructure audits in BIDs across London


EU Funding

Building on the successful bids during 2016/17 the Environment Team is seeking to develop and submit at least three bids for EU funding. The £43,000 funding will be used to develop the project bids, attend transnational meetings as required and potentially appoint expert bid-writing technical support if required.

Immediate Expenditure Related Decision(s) Required

Further approval will need to be sought for each proposed EU bid as it develops to the appropriate stage. These will be sought for and secured via IPB and then MD/DD. Officers are authorised to award contract for support services up to the value of £25,000


Biodiesel from Used Cooking Oil

The Mayor’s biodiesel programme aims at reducing CO2 emissions from London’s busses and municipal fleet whilst making good use of London’s Used Cooking Oil and Fats Oils and Greases by encouraging London’s bus operating companies and London Boroughs to use a 20% biodiesel blend in their fleet. The target is for a further ten local authority and TfL bus fleets to participate in the biofuels market. In addition the programme aims to encourage biodiesel producers to locate biodiesel blending or producing plant in London. Significant progress has been made with TfL’s bus fleet to date with more than one third of London’s busses now operating on B20. However borough fleet uptake has been slow and needs continued effort.

Immediate Expenditure Related Decision(s) Required

Permission is sought to use up to £20, 000 to support boroughs to develop their own business case for the use of a biodiesel blend in municipal fleet and to communicate and advocate the benefits and outputs of the Mayor’s programme.


Smart London Environment

Following the assessment in 2015/16 of our capabilities and the focus for a smarter approach to London’s environment i.e. the integration and optimisation of environmental, infrastructure and utility systems to enable London to be a more resource efficient, resilient and greener city, whilst creating new jobs in this rapidly emerging new economic sector. The focus in 2016/17 will be funding a capacity building programme, completed by February 2017, both internally and externally with our partners. This will provide us and our partners the skills and capabilities to deliver new policies, projects for a smarter approach to London’s environment,

Immediate Expenditure Related Decision(s) Required

Provide up to £30,000 for the delivery of a capacity building programme that will provide the GLA environment team and our partners the skills and capabilities to deliver new policies, projects for a smarter approach to London’s environment, including, entering into funding arrangements or contracts for services


Business Energy Challenge

Is a key action towards meeting the Mayor’s carbon reduction targets and helping businesses save money and make London more competitive. It has already attracted over 100 businesses (PwC, Deutsche Bank, Lloyds) to sign up to the challenge through providing a tool that enables businesses to track their carbon emissions. Awards were presented by the Mayor at a well-attended event at City Hall. The information gathered will now be utilised to further develop the GLA’s approach to carbon reduction in commercial buildings with the aim of including small to medium sized businesses in the programme.

Immediate Expenditure Related Decision(s) Required

Allocate up to £70,000 to

  1. Procure consultancy services to help develop a business energy efficiency programme that will support and encourage large and small businesses in London to significantly reduce the amount of carbon emissions they generate.
  2. Engage and recruit businesses to the programme
  3. Potentially run a pilot programme


Developing the Circular Economy

Moving to circular economy will save London £5billion in waste management costs between 2016 & 2050, create 12,000 net new jobs per annum by 2030 and boost London’s economy by £7bn per annum by 2036. Funding will be combined with LWARB funding to enable London to take part in the Ellen MacArthur Foundation CE100 Cities Programme, which will enable 10 SME’s to be taken through the Circular Economy SME programme. The activity will support the development of the route map for the Circular Economy which is being developed by LWARB.

Immediate Expenditure Related Decision(s) Required

To allocate £30,000 to the Circular Economy Accelerator Programme (which will be matched by £150,000 of LWARB funding) as follows:

1. £17,500 to remain a member of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation CE100

Cities and Regions Programme as approved in MD1503

2. One year's membership costs £35,000. LWARB contribute 50 per cent

of the membership cost, and are joint members included within the

GLA’s membership.

3. up to £12,500, to provide travel and accommodation expenses for the 10 SME’s that we are taking through the Ellen MacArthur Foundation programme to help transition from linear business models to circular ones.


Measuring the progress and supporting the development of London’s low carbon and environment goods and services sector

Develop new datasets for the Low Carbon and Environmental Goods and Services (LCEGS) sector that continue to quantify the size, nature and growth of the sector in London, whilst taking into account the recently updated EUROSTAT standard for the sector, to help inform policy and programmes to support its further growth. It will also continue to build on the shared methodology and approach that we have been developing with six other C40 cities this year to create opportunities to develop the sector and start to realise the shared export and supply chain opportunities that exist for our cities.

Immediate Expenditure Related Decision(s) Required

To allocate up to £30,000 to compare London’s existing approach to quantifying its low carbon and environmental goods and services sector against the new definitions of the sector recently created for EU countries by EUROSTAT and understand how it can be adapted or if a new one needs developing. This will also continue to develop the close working relationship already built up with six of the cities in the C40 Green Growth Network to further develop the common methodology created for monitoring the sector. It will use this to develop a best practice approach to supporting the identification and development of the sector in each of our cities by sharing knowledge and working together to identify what type of policies and programmes are required to do this.


Hydrogen Programme

The £40,000 from GLA contribution is combined with membership fees and income (brought into the GLA) to fund a Grade 8 post (£52,000) to manage the Partnership’s day to day activity. This resource is used to carry out secretariat duties for Hydrogen London, support London’s strategic hydrogen agenda and develop new strategic opportunities for the Partnership. Hydrogen London’s overall budget also includes £40,000 used to develop London’s current Hydrogen portfolio through: submitting new funding bids and developing feasibility studies in order to identify the best means to further develop London’s Hydrogen sector. In 2015-16 this included funding the H2Grow project (To produce an evidence based document that highlighting the rationale and business case for adopting hydrogen & fuel cell technology in London. Approximately £8.5k is also used for: i) marketing &website development; ii) travel and miscellaneous expenses (Hydrogen London is involved in many projects at EU and UK level which require UK and EU travel); and iii) Quarterly Meetings and Events - in 2015-16, Hydrogen London organised an event in September 2015 to promote the role of fuel cell units in London’s Built Environment and the Hydrogen London Transport Fair on 16 March (as part of Hydrogen Week) to raise further awareness about the applications and benefits of hydrogen powered transport.


Energy Engineering

MD1288 signed 24/3/2014 gave approval to enter into a four year contract to April 2018 with a specialist energy engineering consultancy company to provide technical support to the Planning Delivery Unit and the Environment Team on the implementation of London Plan policy 5.2 that requires developers to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions a new development produces by 35% over 2013 Building Regs. The consultants provide technical comment on approximately 300 planning applications a year and have delivered, over the past five years, commitments to connect more than 190,000 dwellings to district heating networks as well as install over 330,000m2 of solar PV panels across around 450 large scale developments in London and save 240,000 tonnes of carbon more than the national requirement commitments.




3.1 Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities are enshrined within the GLA’s programmes and activities according to the Mayor’s Framework for Equal Life Chances (June 2014). The framework aims to bring Londoners together rather than dividing them. It promotes outcomes for a diverse range of communities that seek to bring real changes to the quality of life for all Londoners. The Environment projects and programmes stem from the current suite of Environment strategies which was informed by a full Integrated Impact Assessment, which includes a consideration of equalities.

3.2 As a result Environment programmes and projects look to maximise their positive impact on all Londoners, through reducing the health impact of air quality, reducing fuel poverty, maximising energy security while keeping bills down, through to ensuring the resilience of London’s critical infrastructure and most vulnerable communities.

3.3 The Environment team is currently leading the coordinating of the development of a new Integrated Impact Assessment for all GLA strategies, with the aim of maximising coordination of strategies and benefit that they bring to all Londoners.

4.1 Key risks and issues

4.1.1 Delays in undertaking some of the activities listed above (due to not having budgets or contracts in place) are likely to lead to an interruption in service provision that may have a negative impact on the GLA's ability to address London's environmental issues and to respond quickly to a new Mayor's priorities in this area. Mitigation: The timelines and expected costs for all activities have been reviewed. In addition, risk registers will be drawn up for individual projects (where appropriate) to identify and monitor risks. High value / high risk projects will be monitored through IPB and lower value / lower value risks will be monitored through the Environment team’s monitoring and review process.

4.1.2 Staff resources have been identified within the GLA Environment team to manage and take forward the projects set out in 2.3. These are set out in the Environment Team’s business plan and will be monitored and reviewed by the Environment Team’s management team.

4.2 Links to Mayoral strategies and priorities

4.2.1 The Environment Team’s 2016-17 work programme will contribute towards:
• The efficient and effective delivery of Mayoral commitments
• The diversification of the economy (principally through supporting the growth of the green economy), driving investment and job creation
• The efficient and effective delivery of policies and targets in the London Plan and the Mayor’s environmental strategies, including:

4.2.2 Climate change mitigation and energy
• Reducing London’s CO2 emissions by 20 per cent by 2015, 40 per cent by 2020 and 60 per cent by 2025 against a 1990 baseline
• Supplying 25 per cent of London’s energy from decentralised energy sources by 2025

4.2.3 Air quality
• Halving road transport exhaust NOx emissions in central London by 2020 to deliver the best air quality of any major world city and achieve EU legal air quality limits for nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
• Delivering a 64% reduction in particulate matter (PM2.5) transport exhaust emissions in central London by 2020 to protect human health.
• Fulfilling the Mayor’s statutory duties relating to Local Air Quality Management as set out in the Environment Act 1995.
• Securing investment in London for the next generation of ultra low emission vehicles to create jobs and growth as well as to deliver the Mayor’s Ultra Low Emission Zone.

4.2.4 Municipal waste management
• To reduce the amount of household waste produced from 970kg per household per year in 2009-10 to 790kg per household per year by 2031. This is equivalent to a 20 per cent reduction.
• To recycle or compost at least 45 per cent of municipal waste by 2015, 50 per cent by 2020 and 60 per cent by 2031
• To cut London’s greenhouse gas emissions from municipal waste management by one million tonnes CO2 equivalent by 2031.

4.2.5 Water
• Helping to balance London’s supply and demand for water by using the water we have more wisely, tackling water poverty and safeguarding the water environment

4.2.6 Green Infrastructure
• Increasing London’s tree cover by 5 per cent by 2025
• Increasing green cover in the Central Activities Zone by 5 per cent by 2030

4.2.7 Climate change adaptation
• Increasing resilience of critical infrastructure and vulnerable communities
• Raising awareness and building capacity of key stakeholders to manage prioritised risks
• Promoting London as a safe place to do business and invest in.
• Promoting London as an international leader in the ‘adaptation economy’.

4.3 Impact Assessments and consultations

4.3.1 Each of the Mayor’s environmental strategies, from where much of the Environment Team’s work programme has been drawn, have been through a formal process of consultation and integrated impact assessments have been undertaken.

5.1 This Mayoral Decision is seeking approval for the expenditure of Environment team’s 2016-17 programme budget totalling £756,000, as detailed in the main body of this report.

5.2 In addition of this work programme, the commitment of £40,000 for Capital Clean-Up work in 2016-17 has being approved via MD 1223.

5.3 This means the total Environment programme budget for 2016-17 is £796,000

6.1 The foregoing sections of this report indicate that:
6.1.1 the decisions requested of the Mayor fall within the GLA’s statutory powers to do such things considered to further or which are facilitative of, or conducive or incidental to the promotion of economic and social development and the improvement of the environment in Greater London. In formulating the proposals in respect of which a decision is sought officers have complied with the GLA’s related statutory duties to:
a. pay due regard to the principle that there should be equality of opportunity for all people;
b. consider how the proposals will promote the improvement of health of persons, health inequalities between persons and to contribute towards the achievement of sustainable development in the United Kingdom; and
c. consult with appropriate bodies.
6.2 Section 2 of this report indicates that there may be contributions towards the costs of third party projects which amount to the provision of grant funding and not payment for works, supplies or services. Officers must ensure that:
6.2.1 the funding is distributed fairly, transparently, in accordance with the GLA’s equalities and in manner which affords value for money in accordance with the Contracts and Funding Code; and
6.2.2 appropriate funding agreements are put in place between and executed by the GLA and the recipient of the funding before any commitment to fund is made.
6.3 All other services or supplies required must be procured by Transport for London
Procurement (who will determine the detail of the procurement strategy to be adopted) in accordance with the GLA’s Contracts and Funding Code. Officers must liaise with Transport for London Procurement in this regard and ensure that appropriate contracts are put in place between and executed by the GLA and the successful bidders before the commencement of any such services or supplies.
6.4 Officers must ensure that they comply fully with all GLA HR/Head of Paid Service protocols in respect of any staffing proposals, in particular the need to gain all necessary approvals for the creation of any new posts.
6.5 To the extent that it is proposed that any policy related activities are to be undertaken/funded under contracts/funding agreements for periods that extend beyond April 2016 officers must ensure that those contracts and funding agreements contain no fault break clauses and milestones and schedules are developed in a way which does not unreasonably fetter the discretion of a successor administration to terminate the same.

Milestones, deliverables and promotional activity

GLA lead

Planned date


Submit MD for approval to commit expenditure for agreed work programme

P Feehily

By Q1


LAQM launched

E Treharne

By Q1


Biodiesel – Further ten boroughs will be involved in a Used Cooking Oil collection service

A Richmond



LEGGI published

A Richmond

By Q4


LAEI published

E Treharne



London Tree Week event completed

A Jones



Smart capacity building programme completed

A Jones



Produce Smart Environment Programme Report

A Jones



London Energy Plan User-guides ready for use and plan informing development of strategy options for new Mayor

A Richmond



Publish new LCEGS stats

P Feehily


Signed decision document

MD1640 Environment programme 2016-17 (signed) PDF

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