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London Assembly

Winsor Letters

Photo of Tower Bridge

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Publication type: General

Publication date:

The London Assembly Police and Crime Committee has written to the Mayor and Home Secretary regarding the Committee’s investigation following Sir Thomas Winsor’s review of the resignation of Dame Cressida Dick as Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis.

The Committee’s investigation set out to consider the matters and actions in relation to Dame Cressida’s resignation and the findings of Sir Tom’s review. The Committee also considered Sir Tom’s conclusions on “the strengthening of accountability and due process in respect of the role, appointment and removal of the Commissioner” and “the terms of service established between the Commissioner and the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime, and the interplay between those terms and the appointment to the office of Commissioner by Royal Warrant and the tenure of the Commissioner at [His] Majesty’s pleasure.

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Related documents

Winsor Letter to Mayor

PCC Winsor letter to Home Secretary