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London Ambulance Service Letter to NHS London

London Ambulance Vehicles

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Publication type: General

Publication date:

The London Assembly Health Committee has written to NHS London with a series of recommendations on how they can support the London Ambulance Service.

The Committee will also be writing to the Mayor of London and the Department for Transport to highlight recommendations specific to them.

Recommendations within the letter include:

  • NHS London should consider providing additional resource and support to the healthcare system in London to help embed relationships between LAS and the five integrated care systems (ICSs).
  • NHS London should explore how best to utilise LAS capabilities in relation to 999 and 111 services in its offer to primary care networks and GP practices.
  • NHS London should review hospital bed stock in London and ensure that plans for future hospital bed provision take into account and are able to respond to rapid population growth in parts of London.
  • NHS England should explore options for making ambulance specifications more flexible, as well as facilitating joint procurement between trusts.
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London Ambulance Service Letter to NHS London