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London data links COVID-19 deaths, GP satisfaction, ethnicity

City Hall

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New London Assembly data, published today, connects higher levels of deprivation, poorer ratings of GP satisfaction and higher numbers of Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) residents to higher rates of COVID-19 deaths.

The analysis was undertaken by the Health Committee since the first wave of the pandemic hit London. To investigate how health services have been impacted for the people they serve, the committee analysed and correlated the experience of GP services data, population diversity, Index of Multiple Deprivation and ONS COVID-19 deaths in London.

GP services are a key part in the COVID-19 vaccine roll out plans across London, a city home to one of the most complex social makeups in the world. The findings are the first to put data behind experiences of London’s healthcare system in the first six months of the pandemic for different ethnicities.

The research has revealed trends where more ethnically diverse and deprived boroughs have lower GP satisfaction and higher COVID-19 deaths. As the boroughs get less diverse and deprived, GP experiences and COVID-19 death rates improve.

The boroughs which have the worst combination of BAME GP satisfaction, highest deprivation and most COVID-19 deaths are:

  • Newham
  • Haringey
  • Tower Hamlets
  • Brent
  • Barking & Dagenham.

The boroughs which have the best combination of BAME GP satisfaction, lowest deprivation and fewest COVID-19 deaths are:

  • Richmond upon Thames
  • Kingston upon Thames
  • Kensington and Chelsea
  • Sutton
  • Wandsworth.
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