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Environment and Fire Committees write to Thames Water on flooding

London Flood Awareness Week 2021

Key information

Publication type: General

Publication date:

The Environment Committee and the Fire, Resilience and Emergency Planning Committee have jointly written a letter to Thames Water in order to better understand how London can become more resilient for future flooding and rainfall events.

An investigation into climate adaptation and climate risks in London was held by the Environment Committee on 30 September 2021, including a review of the summer flooding in London last year which was caused by the effects of increased rainfall and rising temperatures. In addition, on 21 October 2021, the Fire, Resilience, and Emergency Planning Committee held a meeting where the summer flooding and the need to help Londoners understand the increasing risk of sewer flooding was discussed.

One recommendation from this investigation was that Thames Water should provide the Committee with an assessment of its drainage network’s ability to deal with heavy rainfall events in London.

UPDATE - 11 March 2022

Thames Water responded to the letter sent by the Committee with a series of updates, including on work being undertaken to respond to sewer flooding risks.

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