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COVID-19 vaccination plan needed for frontline officers

Met Police

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Publication type: General

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The London Assembly Police and Crime Committee has today written to Minister for Vaccination Deployment, Nadhim Zahawi MP on the need to add frontline police officers to the government’s vaccination priority list.

The letters, backed by all political parties on the London Assembly, call for police officers to be prioritised for vaccinations after vulnerable people and healthcare workers.

Sir Stephen House QPM, Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, recently told the Committee that there are roughly 1,700 Met staff members who are not in the workplace due to COVID-19. This figure includes a mixture of people who are sick with the virus and those who are self-isolating due to track and trace. While some of these employees can do part of their work from home, others cannot.

The Committee has also written to the Mayor of London asking him to work with the leaders of the Met Police to ensure that when the vaccines become available for officers, that there is a plan in place of how they will be distributed.

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