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Eight Innovators who want to fight against poverty

Created on
22 February 2023

Challenge LDN: Poverty Prevention Finalist Anouncement

The effects of poverty are far reaching. The stigma around the word, the uncertainty it creates and the physical and mental toll it takes on Londoners is something the Mayor is keen to tackle. Alongside his Fuel Poverty Partnership and calls to tackle the cost of living crises, the Mayor is keen to turn the tide against those plunging into poverty. There are many organisations fighting against poverty but few who are working on proactive solutions for those on the cusp.

Following the Mayor’s Open Innovation Call, we are pleased to announce the following 8 enterprising organisations will receive seed funding to work with the GLA and Barnet Council over the next 8 weeks to prototype and test their ideas:

MRU Community Health and Wellbeing Hub will bring 8 or more voluntary organisations together and enable them to deliver their services seamlessly by using a single system and joint resources. The Hub will be divided into the following four departments, physical and mental health and wellbeing, economic wellbeing, social wellbeing, and legal wellbeing. Each department will deliver services geared towards providing sustainable solutions to the problems that it seeks to address including preventive measures. The Hub will be co-owned and co-operated by all organisations involved. 

Find out more about the Centre for the Advancement of Development and Human Rights

The SuperFi app will analyse user open banking with personal data to provide personalised early-stage debt advice alongside integrated debt reduction tools and services, preventing people from falling further into debt. 

Find out more from the SuperFi team

The "You are not alone" project from MatchingMind empowers communities with a buddy support platform. Our innovative platform connects Londoners with one-on-one support networks (in person and online)  harnessing diversity of lived experiences, to support the most vulnerable. One size does not fit all and our inclusive technology takes trial and error out of facilitating trusted 1-to-1 relationships, and ensures people feel heard, understood and supported.

Find out more about MatchingMind

The "Community Analysis Tool for Poverty Mitigation" from Radius aims to provide three key insights in the solution of poverty: the people, the location, and the communication channel. Focusing on the issues that people in poverty face, the project not only offers the solutions, but also where and how to disseminate them.

Find out more about Radius

Mealia is redesigning the planning, shopping, and cooking process to feed a family. This project aims to utilise the power of AI to build a platform capable of adapting to the unique dietary and financial needs of each family household, and increase access to affordable and nutritious meals.'s "Refugee Next Step Guide" will reach new refugees in London and provide them with information about study and work opportunities, reducing unemployment rate and the administrative burden on charities by harnessing OpenAI.

Find out more from Mendee.Digital

Mortar's "Tenancy Sustainment Tool" will be designed to detect those most at risk of poverty and providing a caseworker environment for delivering and monitoring priority cases for engagement. Alongside each case the most appropriate interventions and referral pathways are recommended to help prevent and reduce the incidence of poverty.

Find out more from Mortar.Works

Time to Spare will combine live, on-the-ground data from the voluntary sector within Barnet with Council data to highlight and support individuals in need at the earliest stage. This uses the reach and trust that charities and community groups have to help those most at risk from the cost of living crisis.

Find out more from Time to Spare

During their time with us, innovators will be equipped with skills, expertise and connections which they can use to make a real difference for Londoners. Track how they are getting on by tuning into their weeknotes as they discuss their ideas, challenges and opportunities and more.