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Why did you choose to employ apprentices?

Ginger Nut Media is a digital advertising company specialising in email advertising and lead generation. As a very new and rapidly growing company, apprentices allowed us to expand quickly and sustainably. A large number of our workforce are past or present apprentices.

How has your apprenticeship programme benefited your business?

Our apprenticeship programme has given us the chance to expand rapidly, while keeping costs down. By hiring apprentices we can access local talent that's often overlooked because they don't have the experience. We've found these young people are more determined. They work harder and learn quicker. Their loyalty to the company grows as they develop.

Who are the apprentices that work for you?

We've a range of apprentices with varying skills in roles including sales, tech, operations and design. So far we've gone through three stages of apprentice recruitment. It's been great to see each generation mature into their role.

How easy do apprentices find it to adapt to your business?

In our experience, apprentices pick training up incredibly quickly and can apply it to their role immediately.

Would you recommend apprentices to other businesses?

Yes. We'd encourage any employer to start an apprenticeship programme. It's a great way to access local untapped talent and grow a business sustainably.

What advice would you give to employers who are considering hiring apprentices?

Telephone interview every applicant regardless of their CV. Often young people with little work experience won't have the best CVs. Sometimes they're just not sure how to set them out, but they could be the most talented applicant. Give everyone an equal chance. Offer advice to each applicant even if they're unsuccessful.

Where are your apprentices now?

Our first three apprentices are now employed with us in senior positions, helping to manage the newer apprentices. We've also offered full-time jobs to six of our second round of apprentices once they've finished. We're committed to staff development, and even when apprentices have completed their apprenticeship, we will help them continue to develop through training.

Ready to hire an apprentice or learn more about apprenticeships?