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Why did you choose to employ apprentices?

We wanted to ‘grow our own’ talent by teaching them in the Claremont way from the beginning.

What benefits has your apprenticeship programme brought to your business?

Our apprentices are social media natives. They’ve taught us loads about how to make the most of social technologies, particularly when engaging young people. They are also incredibly energetic, which is great for our company culture.

Who are the apprentices that work for you?

Matt is the cheeky northerner – a wordsmith and culture vulture with a passion for his work that goes down incredibly well with clients and colleagues alike. Sean is the London local - well-connected and creative, he’s come up with winning ideas for new campaigns.

How does hiring and the day to day management of apprentices compare with other routes, such as graduate schemes or traineeships?

Hiring is not to be taken lightly. It’s a serious and lengthy process with multiple stages requiring as much diligence as a company would take for a graduate hire. Fortunately we’ve always found gems. Like our graduate intake, all candidates did a written test, which was incredibly useful.

Would you recommend apprentices to other businesses? 

Definitely. Apprentices are a uniquely effective way of growing your own talent.

What piece of advice would you give to employers who are considering hiring apprentices?

Make sure there is a proper role for your apprentice – a genuine commercial requirement – that they can live up to. An apprenticeship is categorically not work experience.  

Where are your apprentices now?

Our first apprentice, Monica, is now a junior consultant. She’s thriving and has a wonderful career ahead of her. 

Anything you’d like to add?

Pay the Living Wage. You don’t have to, but it will attract the best candidates and keep them focused on your work rather than topping up their salary elsewhere.

Ready to hire an apprentice or learn more about Apprenticeships?