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A commitment to tackling structural racism

Structural racism and discrimination can lead to poor mental and physical health.

For example, structural racism can stop someone from finding work or getting promoted, which can affect someone’s income. Not having enough money can affect where and how a person lives, which can negatively impact their mental and physical health, as well as person’s ability to stay in work – thus creating a vicious cycle. So, if we want to truly change and improve the health and wellbeing of Londoners, we need to tackle racism and the associated causes of poor health. 

The Mayor is committed to tackling racism. In October 2020, he declared City Hall an anti-racist organisation and pledged to cultivate truly inclusive practices. And he wants to help other organisations in London do the same. That’s why in November 2023, the Mayor and healthcare partners launched the London Anti-Racism Collaboration for Health (LARCH).

The LARCH is a network that seeks to address how racism impacts the health of Londoners by supporting and enabling anti-racist practice across London’s healthcare system. The network will bring people together to share best practices in this space, provide bold leadership needed to make progress, and unblock barriers to putting anti-racist practices in place.

Who's working with us

We know that the only way to combat racism is to work with those who are affected by it. That’s why we’re proud to share that the LARCH has been co-produced with organisations and individuals with expertise in race equity. And as this work continues, we are committed to engaging diverse communities at every step.

London is firmly on a journey to see differently, respond differently and lead differently in order to achieve our anti-racism ambitions. It's the commitment we made with our partners across London’s health and care system.

Want to get involved?

If you work in the health and care sector and want to make a difference to Londoners’ lives, we’d love to hear from you.

Get in touch with us at [email protected]