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London Learning at Home

The London Curriculum has reached out across the city to bring together free learning and cultural offers that children can access from home.

We want to support families, teachers and nurseries during this challenging time and ensure that young Londoners still feel connected to the incredible people, places and culture of their city. We have focussed on London-specific offers, which add to the national list of online education resources published by the Department for Education.

If you are an organisation that is London based or with London specific resources, please get in touch: [email protected]

You can search by age range, subject, key stage and organisation to find what you need. We know this can be a busy time, so we also asked organisations to estimate the level of adult supervision required:

•    Low: child-led activity.
•    Medium: some adult input needed.
•    High: adult-led activity.

Many of the organisations listed have a wealth of educational expertise, but as with any provision, it is at your discretion to decide whether a resource is suitable for your children/class.

We've also created a map of adult education providers in London.

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  • Refugee Week 2020 Resource Pack

    For Refugee Week 2020, Kazzum Arts created resource packs for Primary and Secondary School students. The packs have information, animations and activities that are designed to encourage children and young people to think about the experiences of young asylum seekers and refugees, highlighting the positives, building empathy and challenging negative stereotypes. The packs use storytelling, visual arts and creative writing activities to encourage children to think reflectively and get creative!
    Kazzum Arts
    Age range
    Key stage
    Subjects covered
    social and health education (PSHE)
    Level of supervision
    Resource link
    Descriptive image for resource