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Mayor's Cultural Leadership Board Minutes 5 July 2023

5 July 2023

Key information

Publication type: General

Publication date:



  • Moira Sinclair OBE, (Chair) Paul Hamlyn Foundation  
  • Amanda Parker, (Vice Chair), Forward Institute 
  • Sharon Ament, Director, Museum of London  
  • Sade Banks, Co-director, The What If Experiment 
  • Alice Black, Director ArtULTRA
  • Cllr Elizabeth Campbell, Royal Borough Kensington & Chelsea / London Councils (Apologies)
  • Ajay Chhabra, Director, Nutkhut  
  • Jennifer Crook, Independent Producer (Apologies)
  • Bernard Donoghue OBE, Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (ALVA) 
  • Stuart Hobley, The Linbury Trust 
  • Amy Lamé, Night Czar, Mayor of London’s Office 
  • John Newbigin OBE, Creative Industries Representative  
  • Amaarah Roze, Independent Facilitator, Performer & Producer 
  • Justine Simons OBE, Deputy Mayor for Culture and Creative Industries  
  • Dr Jo Twist OBE, UK Interactive Entertainment (Apologies
  • Nigel Twumasi, Mayamada (Apologies
  • Madani Younis, The Shed (Apologies
  • Deborah Williams, Creative Diversity Network (Apologies
  • Claire Whitaker CBE, Southampton Culture Trust 

Other Attendees 

  • Matthew Drinkwater, Fashion Innovation Agency 
  • Ben Evans CBE, London Design Festival 
  • Michael French, Games London 
  • Tom Gill, World Cities Culture Forum 
  • Siddharth Khajuria, Science Gallery, King’s College London 
  • Moin Roberts-Islam, Fashion Innovation Agency 
  • Senior Management Team & Policy Officers, Culture and Creative Industries Unit 

Welcome, Minutes and Outline of Meeting

  1. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting particularly the guests (listed above). 

  1. The Chair made a statement of respect and remembrance about board member Pam Alexander OBE, following her recent death. 

  1. The Chair noted ‘Apologies’ as above and stated that some members were coincidently attending a conference on the same theme. 

  2. The Chair noted one outstanding action from the previous meeting: 

    ACTION: Secretariat to look for 'Fix the Glitch' training for the Board 


  3. The Chair stated that the provider wasn’t currently delivering the training due to limited trainers. An alternative was being sought. 
  4. The Chair outlined the items on the agenda, ‘Artificial Intelligence in the Creative Industries’:

    • Item 1 - Spotlight: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Creative Industries  

    • Item 2 - Workshop: Artificial Intelligence in the Creative Industries 

    • Item 3 - Presentation: The Science Gallery

  1. The Chair asked if there were any Conflicts of Interest regarding any of the items outlined. None were declared. 

Item 1 - Presentation: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Creative Industries

  1. An officer from the Culture and Creative Industries Unit delivered a presentation which gave an overview of the current and potential impact of artificial intelligence on and in the creative industries.  

  1. Their presentation was a summary of research undertaken over several months and included examples of how the technology is being used, opportunities and risks, and the potential impact on the job market including the most likely workforce skills and training needs. 

  1. The officer outlined the most recent data on general impact of AI on the labour market from sources like Open AI, including which types of jobs had the highest and lowest exposure to change due to generative artificial intelligence like Chat GPT.  

  1. Artificial intelligence’s impact on seven sub-sectors was discussed: Music, Performing Arts, Videogames, Film, Visual Arts, Fashion, Museums and Galleries. 

  1. The opportunities and the challenges, for each of the seven areas were outlined. In addition to the workforce skills, the impact on copyright, intellectual property, and non-creative business functions such as sales were raised. 

Item 2 - Workshop: AI in the Creative Industries

  1. An officer outlined the workshop exercise which was for each table to discuss and respond to two questions.  

  1. On the first question ‘What might the Mayor of London's position be on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the creative industries?’ thoughts and suggestions included:  

    • Any ‘Best Practice’ needs to address cultural biases in the data sources used by AI 

    • Bring together examples of organisations already dealing with ethical usage questions around AI. 

    • Develop and publish a London AI code of ethics. 

    • ACE, DCMS and other funders, need to shape leadership around AI. Organisations will develop individual policies but, how can we streamline this for industry and be joined up? 

    • Even the playing field and support smaller organisations who struggle to access ‘big data’. 

    • Lead on skills training - how to utilise the Mayor’s delegated AEB to address arising workforce skills gaps. 

    • Convene a roundtable between ‘Business’ and Creative Industries on AI. 

    • Convene a conversation between creatives (artists, producers etc..) and business (including legal profession) to discuss and inform, copyright, intellectual property, and regulations 

  2. On the second question ‘What other conversations does the Mayor of London and the GLA need to be having about the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and with whom?’ thoughts and suggestions included:  

    • Ask education providers how they are future proofing the curriculum. 

    • Speak to World Cultural Forum (WCCF) cities to find out what conversation they are having. 

    • Speak to Cyber security organisations 

    • Find out who is researching AI poverty - and bias? 

    • Speak to technology companies. 

    • Speak to freelancers to find out where AI complements and conflicts. The data sits with organisations not individuals. 

    • Encourage all Directorates at the GLA to review the overall risks and opportunities for their policy areas. 

    • Speak to The Royal Society – They have been looking at AI for a while. 

    • Speak to Trade Unions as will need to work in collaboration with them. This is essentially about labour and distribution of resource. 

  1. The Chair thanked Siddharth Khajuria, Director of The Science Gallery, for hosting the Board 

  1. Siddharth spoke to the group about the work of the Science gallery and encouraged future collaboration on subject of artificial intelligence and on the culture and the creative industries more generally. 

Any Other Business (AOB)

  1. The Chair asked the Group if they had any other business to discuss. None was raised. 

  1. The Chair reminded Board that the next meeting was on 26 September 2023 on the theme of Creative Skills and that Vice Chair Amanda Parker will chair the session. 

  1. The Chair closed the meeting. 

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