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Small Site Design Codes LPG

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Key information

Publication type: London Plan Guidance

Publication status: Adopted

Publication date:

What is the Small Site Design Codes LPG

The Small Site Design Codes guidance provides information on how to prepare area-wide housing design codes on small sites for a range of character types. Where appropriate, planning authorities and neighbourhood planning groups should refer this guidance at the planning making stage when developing design codes. Once a design code is adopted for a specific area, boroughs and other decision-makers are expected to use these as a basis for their decision making.

Why do we need it?

London Plan policy H2 requires boroughs to prepare design codes for small sites, where appropriate. These small site design codes are a particular type of design code that can be applied to a ‘character type’ within a given area. These design codes should pro-actively support well-designed new homes on small sites by providing clarity and certainty over the design and quality of small site residential development. They are a key mechanism to delivering a borough’s small sites housing target and an increase in housing through incremental housing developments.

How has this guidance been prepared?

This guidance has been prepared by the Greater London Authority (GLA) with input and advice from industry professionals. Public engagement on the guidance was carried out between 11 February and 27 March 2022. Details of the consultation can be found on our engagement portal.

consultation summary report summarises feedback received, and how this informed the final guidance.

An Equality impact assessment has been prepared for the guidance.

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