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Large-scale Purpose-built Shared Living LPG

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Key information

Publication type: The London Plan

Publication status: Adopted

Publication date:

What is Large-scale Purpose-built Shared Living LPG

The Large-scale purpose-built shared living (LSPBSL) London Plan Guidance (LPG) provides advice on how to apply London Plan Policy H16 to best meet London’s needs. This guidance applies to a form of housing sometimes known as ‘co-living’ with extensive shared spaces and facilities designed to encourage social interaction and communal living. 

The LPG sets out further detail on siting and developing such housing, including balancing it with other housing types. It provides space and facilities benchmarks and good practice advice to help ensure these developments are designed and managed to be of good quality, safe and inclusive and integrated into their neighbourhood. The guidance is aimed at those designing LSPBSL schemes and decision-makers assessing them as part of the planning application process.

Why do we need it?

LSPBSL is a relatively new type of housing, designed to be an alternative to living in a shared rental house or flat. There is growing market interest in its provision.

Londoners have a range of needs, including for different types of housing, with the need for affordable housing particularly great. Planning must help create places that meet different needs and provide opportunities for all. But the balancing act is not easy and so the guidance helps ensure all relevant considerations are accounted for.

The housing design standards and policies do not apply to this kind of accommodation. This guidance fills the gap by providing appropriate assessment benchmarks to help pursue design and management quality in a consistent way.

How has this guidance been prepared?

This guidance has been prepared by the Greater London Authority (GLA) with input and advice from industry professionals. Public engagement on the guidance was carried out between 27 January and 27 March 2022. Details of the consultation can be found on our engagement portal.

consultation summary report summarises feedback received, and how this informed the final guidance.

An Equality Impact Assessment has been prepared for the guidance building on the consultation draft version here.

The LPG and its standards may be periodically reviewed and updated to align with changes in building regulations and government guidance.

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