Agenda item

Apologies for Absence and Chair's Announcements

To receive any apologies for absence and any announcements from the Chair.


1.1  An apology for absence was received from Nicky Gavron AM.


1.2  The Chair welcomed Kai Lilly, Sally Bartolo and Merhawit Ghebre, who were shadowing the Chair, Jennette Arnold OBE AM and Jenny Jones AM respectively, as part of Children’s Commissioner’s Takeover Day.


1.3  The Chair announced that the Dialogue Society had provided Noah’s Pudding for after the meeting to Assembly Members, the Mayor, staff and public, in order to help celebrate the common heritage of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

1.4  During the course of the meeting, the Chair welcomed representatives from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’s civil service and the Deputy Chair welcomed volunteers from the Saint Francis Hospice in Havering.