Planning and Regeneration Committee


Information about Planning and Regeneration Committee

The Planning and Regeneration Committee monitors the Mayor's strategic planning and regeneration functions and his planning and spending decisions. 


The Greater London Authority Act 1999 places responsibility for strategic planning in London on the Mayor, who is required to produce a Spatial Development Strategy for London (the London Plan), and to keep it under review. The London Plan sets out an integrated social, economic and environmental framework for the future development of London, looking forward 15–20 years and provides the London-wide context within which individual boroughs must set their local planning policies.


The Planning and Regeneration Committee monitors and comments on the revision of the Plan, the Mayor's detailed planning guidance, and his decisions on strategic planning applications.


The Planning and Regeneration Committee also provide lead oversight for the London Assembly of the policies, decisions and actions of any Mayoral Development Corporations. These currently include the London Legacy Development Corporation and the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation.


You can find out more about the Committee's current work or view the reports it has published in the investigations section.


The Planning and Regeneration Committee’s  terms of referenceare agreed by the London Assembly.


You can also still access Information about the Assembly’s former Planning Committee, Regeneration Committee or Housing and Regeneration Committee.