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Over 290 arrests ahead of Notting Hill Carnival

Two policemen patrolling the street
Created on
22 August 2017

Officers have made over 290 arrests for a range of offences recovering 190 knives and 18 firearms. This will continue during the week, and will include weapon sweeps, stop and search, youth engagement and ANPR operations.

Notting Hill Carnival is world-renowned as a fantastic celebration of the capital's community, diversity and vibrant history. It is vital we ensure it is as safe as possible for the many thousands who will attend this weekend. That is why we are sending a clear message to the small minority who may be planning to commit violence or other crimes that this will not be tolerated.

The Met have already made hundreds of arrests and recovered significant numbers of weapons, helping to ensure that those looking to attend Carnival for the wrong reasons don't get the chance. As we continue our work to tackle serious youth violence in London, these operations are crucial in helping to prevent any more tragic deaths on our streets, and making sure this year's Carnival is better, and safer, than ever before.

Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime

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