Whole school approach
Healthy Schools Support materials
Engaging parents and carers: guidance for schools
Whole school approach: summary
Governors guide to Healthy Schools
Sing Up
Sing Up: Get healthy, get singing pack: Download this free resource pack featuring a specially-commissioned song and warm-ups with complementary KS1 and KS2 activity plans, a specially choreographed dance routine and more. The singing materials explore the Healthy Schools themes and because of the wide-ranging health and social benefits of singing they're also a perfect way to improve the health and well-being of your pupils.
School Council
Data and evaluation
School Health Education Unit (SHEU)
Discussion paper: Head of Wellbeing: An essential post for secondary schools?
Staff health and wellbeing
The London Healthy Workplace Charter provides a framework to support employers develop good practice by promoting health in their organisation in a practical way. It is coordinated by the GLA working in partnership with health experts in partner boroughs.
The Charter can be used as a self assessment framework. You can also work towards awards against the assessment standard levels – commitment, achievement and excellence. Find out more by clicking on this link.
National Education Union: Action on Workload
Education Support Partnership provides mental health and wellbeing support services to all staff working in education including a Helpline (08000 562 561 or visit edsupport.org.uk/helpline); Grants; Training and Development Fund and Resources.
New meningococcal vaccination programme expected to save lives. The MenACWY vaccination programme is beginning with the vaccination of teenagers aged between 17 and 18 years old. For more information click here
Winter Readiness Information for London schools
Citizenship Foundation: British Values