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Sadiq to stress London is Open to German Foreign Minister

Created on
04 April 2017
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, will today meet the German Foreign Minister, Sigmar Gabriel, to stress that London is Open to German investment, talent and visitors.

Sadiq will also reinforce his message that London, Germany and all of Europe will be best served by avoiding a so-called ‘Hard Brexit.’

Following his meetings with key European and EU leaders in Brussels and Paris last week, Sadiq will tell the Foreign Minister that he is in no doubt that it is possible to secure a sensible Brexit deal that will secure jobs, growth and investment across the continent.

The Mayor will reaffirm his belief to Mr Gabriel that a so-called ‘Hard Brexit’ – in which the UK leaves the European single market without a deal on access other than by standard World Trade Organisation (WTO) rules – would cause unnecessary economic damage to London, Britain and the EU and is in no-one’s interests.
Sadiq will also express to Mr Gabriel that whilst he welcomes the Prime Minister, Theresa May’s commitment to securing the rights of the 3.3 million EU citizens who currently live in Britain as an ‘early priority’ - he is disappointed that she has not given a cast-iron guarantee that they can remain in the country they call home. He will also stress that he believes that the EU should offer the same guarantee to British citizens living on the continent.
Following the recent terrorist attack in Westminster, the pair will hold high-level talks on security cooperation.
Speaking ahead of the meeting, Sadiq Khan said: “I held positive discussions with European leaders last week and I believe it is possible to secure a Brexit deal that results in Britain and the whole of the EU continuing to thrive and prosper, if the government and EU approach it in the right way.

“I am looking forward to meeting the German Foreign Minister and discussing how we can reach an agreement that will ensure Britain and Germany can continue to work together, growing our economies and safeguarding our prosperity.
“There are around a million EU nationals living in London, making a huge contribution as Londoners, and I will be telling the Foreign Minister that they will always be welcome in our great city.
“Both London and cities across Germany have been the victims of recent terror attacks and this meeting will also be an opportunity to learn from each other and to stand together in the face of this evil assault on democracy and our way of life.”
Sadiq held high-level meetings with several senior politicians in Brussels last Tuesday, including the President of the European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker, the European Parliament’s chief Brexit negotiator, Guy Verhofstadt, the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, and the Mayor of Brussels, Yvan Mayeur. He also spoke from London with the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, on Friday 31st March.

In a keynote speech at a conference in Brussels staged by Politico, the day before Theresa May triggered Article 50, he declared that it is not in the European Union’s best interest to ‘punish’ Britain through the Brexit negotiations.

The following day in Paris, he held discussions with the Mayor, Anne Hidalgo, and candidate who is favourite to be the next French president, Emmanuel Macron.

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