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Sadiq Khan to tell Pres of the European Parliament that London is Open

Created on
22 September 2016
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, is today meeting the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, at City Hall to stress that London is open and to emphasise the importance of the capital having a seat at the negotiating table in the aftermath of the United Kingdom’s decision to leave the European Union (EU).

London was the only region of England which voted to Remain in June’s referendum, and Sadiq Khan is currently lobbying ministers to ensure that the capital’s voice is heard when exit negotiations commence.

Sadiq Khan will today reassure President Schulz, who came to City Hall, that EU citizens living in the capital will always remain welcome in the city. He will also tell the President that London’s interests in the EU are a key part of the city’s success and that both the capital and the devolved nations must be actively engaged in the process to leave the EU.

The Mayor will also stress that London needs comprehensive access to the single market and the ability to keep and attract talented people from across the EU.

Sadiq Khan said: “I am looking forward to meeting President Schulz and telling him how London will always remain open to talent, ideas and people from across the world. I am sure that the President already realises that although the decision to leave the EU was not what the capital wanted, we look forward to working closely with the Union and its member states to boost economic prosperity both here in London and across the continent.

“The meeting will also allow me to discuss with the President how I am also pressing the Government to state unequivocally that no retrospective legislation will ever be introduced that curtails the rights of EU nationals currently working in London.”

Sadiq Khan has been clear that, as the UK’s economic engine and Europe’s financial capital, London must have a seat at the negotiating table.

Having spoken to numerous businesses over the past few months, he is also clear that it is crucial to secure a model of access to the single market that enables London and the rest of the country to remain competitive globally.

He is also calling for the Government to give London more control over services in the capital, in order to protect Londoners from the economic impact of Brexit.

The Mayor is calling on the Government to agree a devolution deal for London, granting the capital more control over skills and training services, national rail train services, tax raising powers, criminal justice and health services.

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