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New report shows shocking difference in air quality breathed by London’s communities, with Black and diaspora communities worst affected

Created on
30 June 2023

New report shows shocking difference in air quality breathed by London’s communities, with Black and diaspora communities worst affected


  • The most deprived communities of London are more likely to live in the most polluted areas
  • Black Londoners are more likely to live in areas with more polluted air
  • Diaspora immigrant communities are also more likely to live in areas with more polluted air
  • The whole population of London is forecast to remain exposed to NO2 and PM2.5 concentrations above the recommended WHO air quality guidelines in 2030, unless further significant action is taken to reduce concentrations


A new report published today reveals the stark differences in air quality between the most and least deprived areas in London, as well as the disparity experienced between different ethnic groups and immigrant communities in the capital.

The report, which builds on previous research from 2013 through to 2021, provides a comprehensive look at how air quality has improved between 2013 and 2019 while breaking the data down further to show that location, ethnicity, community, and deprivation all play a part in the way Londoners are affected by toxic air - with those from Black communities, diaspora immigrant communities and those in the most deprived areas of the city being the worst affected.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has taken a bold approach to cleaning up the capital’s toxic air. This new analysis shows that thanks to ambitious policies introduced since 2016, progress has been made to reduce air pollution concentrations. However, unless further significant action is taken, the whole population of London, including all schools, hospitals and care homes, is still forecast to remain exposed to NO2 and PM2.5 concentrations above the recommended World Health Organization (WHO) air quality guidelines in 2030.  

The City Hall commissioned report reveals that the areas in London with the lowest NO2 and PM2.5 concentrations have a disproportionately small Black Asian and minority ethnic population, and that Black Londoners in particular are living areas with more polluted air. This inequality is greater in outer London where just 29 per cent  of residents in the areas with the lowest NO2 concentration are from a Black Asian and minority ethnic background, in comparison to 44 per cent of residents in the areas with the lowest NO2 concentration in inner London. While there has been a small reduction in the inequality seen between the different ethnicities from 2013 to 2019, without further intervention this inequality is not set to significantly reduce by 2030.

The report shows that diaspora immigrant communities also tend to live in areas with higher concentrations of toxic air than the London average. Despite improvements in NO2 concentrations since 2016, average NO2 levels in diaspora communities in London were 8.1% higher than the London average and PM2.5 levels were 3.7% higher than the London average in 2019. Without further action, this is forecast to only reduce slightly by 2030 with concentrations 7.6% higher for NO2 and 3.4% for PM2.5.

The most deprived communities in London are still most likely to live in the most polluted areas of the city, with the average NO2 concentration in the most deprived areas being 4.4 µg/m3 higher than in the least deprived areas in 2019. Thanks to the Mayor’s interventions, this difference has decreased from 7.7 µg/m3 in 2013, showing a reduction in inequalities. Forecasts show that while the difference between the most and least deprived communities continues to reduce, it will happen at a much slower rate between 2025 and 2030.

The data highlights the need to take further action to tackle toxic air in London. While progress has been made to reduce some of the inequalities, without further policies like the London-wide ULEZ expansion in August, the differences in the quality of air Londoners from different backgrounds, ethnicities and communities breathe will continue to be stark.

The report was released during London Climate Action Week (LCAW) which brings together businesses, politicians, non-profit organisations and civil society at more than 200 events across London to create practical solutions to climate change.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “This new analysis shows that we are living in a divided city where poorer Londoners, Black, Asian and minority ethnic Londoners, and those from immigrant backgrounds breathe more polluted air – this is simply unacceptable.

“We have made significant progress since 2016, but we need to continue making bold decisions to tackle toxic air in the capital.  The data shows that London’s world leading policies have helped to reduce toxic air pollution, but we need to continue with this great work to ensure that all Londoners, regardless of background, can live in a city without toxic air pollution.

“Air quality is a matter of social justice and racial justice, that is why I am expanding the ULEZ in August this year, to enable five million more Londoners - of all backgrounds and ethnicities - to breathe cleaner air. I’m determined to continue building a better London for everyone – a safer, fairer, greener and more prosperous city for all.”

Professor Kevin Fenton, London Regional Director for Public Health, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, said: “Air pollution is one of the biggest public health risks we face in the UK right now.  It increases our risk of developing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, reduces people’s life expectancy, and research is beginning to show it has serious implications for our mental wellbeing and brain health.

“Currently, all areas in London exceed WHO guidelines for nitrogen dioxide and fine particulate matter - these are the pollutants most harmful to people’s health. And while air pollution can be harmful to everyone - affecting people from birth to old age - the reality is that there are some people who are more at risk due to increased exposure to high levels of air pollution in their day-to-day lives.

“That’s why taking bold action to improve London’s air quality must continue to be a public health priority. It’s crucial to reducing the health impacts and disparities seen across communities in our city, and protecting all Londoner’s health and wellbeing right now and for future generations.”

Agnes Agyepong, CEO Global Black Maternal Health said. "If we could see the air that we breathe, we would see the inequalities in the air in different communities in London. Air pollution is an invisible killer, and Black communities are more likely to suffer the fatal effects of air pollution than other communities. Pregnant women exposed to air pollution are more likely to have children who are born prematurely, underweight or stillborn and to have reduced live birth rate and maternal depressive symptoms and Black pregnant women and mothers are at the highest risk. We cannot wait decades for change to happen, we need action today and greater education and awareness of the harmful effects of the air that we are breathing and everything that we can do to protect ourselves and our families."

Katie King, Director at Aether said: “Aether, a specialist air quality and climate change consultancy, has undertaken this analysis for GLA. Our experts have been analysing air pollution data for over two decades. It is encouraging to see that inequalities of exposure to air pollution are reducing. However, there is no safe level of air pollution to breathe, and inequalities in exposure still exist across London.”

Matt Towner, Programme Director (Health Effects of Air Pollution) at Impact on Urban Health said: “Air pollution is a public health crisis that causes tens of thousands of deaths in the UK every year. While progress has been made to reduce air pollution in London in recent years, we still have much further to go.

“Everyone should have the right to breathe clean air, but exposure to air pollution in London is not experienced equally: the most deprived communities are more likely to be living in the most polluted areas. If you are Black or part of a diaspora immigrant community your exposure is also likely to be higher. This isn’t right.

“This new report, commissioned by City Hall, lays this injustice bare and further evidences the importance of taking bold action to clean up our air.”

Dr Shabna Begum, co-CEO of the Runnymede Trust said: "This report highlights that people of colour in the UK continue to be disproportionately exposed to toxic air pollution and that, where progress has been made to improve London's air quality, that improvement is simply not fast enough, particularly in the areas that some of our Black and mixed ethnicity communities live. It is critical to understand that these demographic patterns are themselves largely prescribed by the systemic racism that persists in our labour markets and housing system that restrict where we can live and work. Without targeted and committed action, the improvements we need for our communities to be able to simply breathe, will not materialise. Ten years on from the tragic death of ten year old Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debra, who died as a result of the air she breathed, action is long overdue."

Notes to editors

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